Wednesday, October 27, 2010


-spring 1996
I'd returned north, and was in my second semester of a master's in philosophy at WCU, my old stomping grounds. Aside from an occasional visit with Sandi, i spent little time at the theater department. On a visit to Bucks County, i dropped by the church where my brother John was rehearsing the Youth Club musical. My dad was still acting coach. They were doing JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, which i thought was probably out of their league. It was fun watching rehearsal, and some of the kids remembered me. John played Pilate, and they were actually doing a credible job. Opening week, my dad called, and asked whether i'd fill in for a guard they'd lost (Youth Club attendance had gone down since my day, and there were only two guards left). I laughed and said sure, why not. It was a hoot. I was the lasher of Christ (with Johnny shouting commands), and had a solo line (to John, as well), "Someone Christ, king of the Jews!" We had a hard time keeping straight faces. John was a step-brother, but i was closer to him than my blood brothers. I got on great with the kids. It was ten years Youth Club had become at once more overtly religious, yet also more cynical and bawdy (the most hysterical moment was in the dressing room when John Lazur, a righteous kook, jumped onto a table and did his impression of a girl, tucking his genitals between his legs). The mother who did my makeup told me i had perfect bone structure. When they called for the cast photo, i ducked out of the way. They were still doing the Teddy Bear Award, and on opening night they still played "One Shining Moment" before the show. There were tears, but now a few quiet groans as well.

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