Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A fellow teacher from my subbing days, we would find each other almost every school day to hang out. She was good people, i made her laugh and feel good. She was married with kids. One day while we were doing something teacherly, i passed her a note saying she made me smile. As time went by, she opened up about finding me attractive, and dreaming about me. I was attracted, but because of her marriage, didn't really think about it. One night after a school function we'd chaperoned, she drove me home. We parked in my driveway and talked about life, and her marriage problems…after awhile, shared a goodnight hug. As our faces passed, she brought our lips together. I pulled back, telling her she should go. We've stayed in touch, and her family has stayed together. Had i been more profoundly attracted, would i have acted so "nobly"? Even though i've almost always been suspicious of monogamy, i once accepted a friend's compliment that i was the least likely man to ever have an affair with a married woman. A big part of that, though, was my life-long crusade against secrecy.

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