Monday, January 26, 2015

too much you

This loving, lusting longing
seeks no limit or boundary
But i know the admission
Oh, i've seen the fee
It's too much YOU
And too much ME

Sweet infant unbegotten
I would love you all the way
But each and every minute?
Of every single day?
It's too much YOU
And too much ME

There is no village
There are no helping hands
Two parents ain't enough
to mold a woman or a man
And cherishing a lover
should be light as a feather
We weight our wings with chains
We choke on our own tether

The price to be paid
just for getting laid
Would leave anyone sane
a-quiver and afraid
Too much YOU
Too much ME
Lonely WE
Let us free

Friday, January 16, 2015

mother-lovin' jews?

I finally figured something out.
It only took me fifteen years or so.
I wasn't actively puzzling it all that time, mind you. But when i first learned that jewish culture traces lineage through the mother, something about that seemed...wrong. Counter-intuitive. Contrary to everything we know about judaism's abhorrent chauvinism. You don't need to see YENTL to figure that one out. Not that jews have any kind of monopoly on woman-hating...religion in general is pretty much synonymous with female denigration. Why GOD HATES WOMEN isn't a popular bumper sticker, rather eludes me.
But indeed, jewish matriarchal lineage is so airtight that if a child is born of a jewish father and non-jewish mother, that child is not considered a jew.
Not a jew.
In a profoundly sexist religion, why would women appear to be elevated and honored in one rather crucial aspect?
In an oft-persecuted religion (and oft violently so), why would you toss away millions of potential soldiers of god?
I knew that whatever the real reason was, it wasn't likely to appear in any official explanation. When i finally figured it out, i checked relevant sources just to be sure of that. And indeed, the doctrinal justification is a bunch of mumbo jumbo absent any logic or consistency.
Nor do i feel bad about this puzzle taking fifteen years to solve. When it comes to religion in general, the appropriate reaction to anything so noxiously offensive to the basic dignity of life is to quietly walk away and wait for all that self-loathing to collapse in on itself and disappear forever.
But here's the little bell that went off in my head. It's not the discovery of the ages - i'm sure it's been apparent to many for a long time.
Matriarchal lineage allows jewish males to fuck around, while avoiding any responsibility for unwanted offspring.
Isn't that just precious?
Now, are you ready for the "surprise"? Judaic forefathers wanted to have it both ways. Giving women the illusion of influence is one thing, but actual influence is another. So it turns out that certain crucial genealogical factors, such as tribal affiliation, are traced through...everybody say it together...the father.
How perfectly convenient.
So self-serving the only appropriate response is to puke.
Okay, we've given doctrinal matters more than enough consideration for today. Let's return to the world of sanity, and leave religion to pass away from history.
That may be, by the way, the only time you'll ever hear me say "pass away" when what i mean is die. But i've no desire to be too harsh. The proper response, when face to face with anyone "of the faith" is pity, not anger. That person was properly fucked up long, long, LONG before they became any kind of semi-reasoning adult.
Just like you and i, incidentally.
But we're all getting better.
May i have an amen?

Monday, January 5, 2015

naked nurse 3


Dear naked nurse,
Orgasm-faking - yay or nay?
curious in Carlsbad

Dear curious,
Once when i was receiving a righteous snarling, my lover was eventually eager for me to "conclude". I could tell she wanted the big boom. I had told her that oral sex almost never makes me orgasm...but she was so eager and giving, i didn't want to let her down. So i pushed my way onto that plateau. My strainings made for a shabby boom. But it made her happy...which made me happy.
So i get it.
Why does orgasm-faking exist? Because humanity is just stepping out from the long shadow of sexual repression, guilt, and shame. What should be a spontaneous, joyous activity is often anything but...and women have had to choke down the brunt of this dehumanization more than men. Only 25% of women have orgasms from intercourse? I'm amazed the number's that high. Come back in a century - that percentage will be at least 50%. In two centuries, woman and man will have returned to the balance that was lost thousands of years ago.
What are the myriad motivations of orgasm-faking?
Sometimes it comes from the desire to make blah sex end.
Sometimes it comes from the desire to be liked...or selfish manipulations (greed, vanity) even more crass. Only a dysfunctional society could impel its members to corrupt the most loving human act. Only a broken world could turn sex into a means to an end, and not an end in itself. The ultimate end of sex is procreation, you say? Nope - that's only half right. Sex is an evolutionary tool by which human society creates and maintains a healthy network of relationships. If you wonder why this world can feel so horribly wrong, look at what we've done to sex.
Sometimes orgasm-faking comes from the desire to make someone feel happy. Or potent! While this motivation is benign, the introduction of deceit (even for noble reasons) into the most primal human sharing is a blindfolded step onto a slippery slope. Even "successful" lies rest on a surface of thin ice. Why play a game both parties can't win?
I can't quite bring myself to say that NO moment of fakery is ever okay, but...
Do you want someone to lie about liking a meal you cooked?
Do you want someone to lie about loving a gift you gave?
Do you want someone to lie about cherishing a poem you penned? A suit you sewed? A bridge you built?
Do you?
Sadly, for some, the answer is yes. Many are trapped in relationships so dysfunctional, that any silver lining, or even the illusion of a lining, is an improvement upon reality.
But that's what's known as a cosmetic improvement.
This world loves cosmetic improvements - somewhere out there, there's a woman you know who allowed a surgeon to "improve" her looks by cutting into her body. She's lying under some man, pretending that his pathetic thrusting is transporting her to nirvana.
Cosmetic improvements.
You deserve better.
Our children deserve better.
mindfully mindless mountings,
the naked nurse

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