Saturday, December 15, 2018

"There Only Was One Choice"

(songs to hear one last time before i die)
-by harry chapin
Am i just picking very longs songs to postpone the end? How can you ask? Is there anything more hypnotizing than a masterful magnum opus?

Monday, December 10, 2018

naked nurse 21


Dear naked nurse,
How long does it take to grow out of shallow romantic superficiality? When do we stop caring about thin/fat, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly?
-shamed in Chicago

Dear shamed,
Some will achieve full non-shallow maturity...on our deathbed! Before that, lotsa luck. I wish i could be more encouraging, but selfishness is our core cultural value, scarcity is the societal status quo, and fear our primary motivation. All that was a crippling cocktail a century ago, but in the mass media age, it's devastating. By the time we're teenagers, the exponential, excremental, endless unfolding of unnatural, sexist, ageist beauty images burned into our brains is baggage we'll never unlearn.
In all fairness, a tiny percentage of us, after years of focused discipline, do come close to actual non-shallowness. But it's always a house of cards.
Of course, many others embody a surface (ha!) approximation of non-shallowness, simply due to limited options. Limited options, not love, makes the world go 'round.
How can we nudge ourselves onto the non-shallow path? It's a long, hard road of unflinching self-analysis. A great starter is this three-movie marathon: "Shallow Hal", Lovely & Amazing", and "Fat Girl". Watch, and let the internal (or external) dialogues begin.
unflinching understandings,
the naked nurse

Send queries to!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

"The Secret Handshake of Fate"

(songs to hear one last time before i die)
-by j.d. souther
After some beautiful youthful artistic achievements, he came into his fullest flower at sixty. Ain't that a kick?

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Fleetwood Mac

Brits and yanks. Female and male. More rebirths than a fundamentalist flophouse. Not just retoolings, but reinventions. Born in England, but eventually ignored there so utterly they gave up trying. A legendary implosion as they first tasted stardom (but if you listen to what green was saying, he was right). Years spent back in the nether land of the quasi-famous. Revilement from purists. Then when stardom beckoned a second time, a beyond-perverse refusal to quit despite internal tensions that would choke an apatosaurus. An object lesson in how far people will degrade themselves for ego and cash? A never-ending soap opera of defections, rejections, divorce, loathings, reconciliations, reunions, retirings, re-hirings, assault and battery, drug casualties...
A long, strange trip? Fleetwood Mac might be a truer embodiment of those words than the band that wrote them...or any band ever.
Despite all that, the music was often brilliant, in the way that can only happen when a band clicks. When personalities and talents mesh to create something that pops. It's only rock and roll, but...
I never meant to write a Mac tribute. I listened to their catalogue almost by accident. If it's possible for a band this huge to be underestimated though, they are. The welch years are better than you think, the nicks era has more musical merit than you'll care to admit, and green and buckingham might both deserve the overtaxed label "genius".
So here's the concert! An illogical hodgepodge from lineups that never performed together, plus a few non-Mac tracks? Ah, just play on...
-The Green Manalishi
-And That's Saying a Lot
-Black Magic Woman
-Gold Dust Woman
-Bleed to Love Her
-Blood on the Floor
-Over My Head
-So Excited
-Big Love
-Go Insane
-As Long as You Follow
-Edge of Seventeen
-Something Inside of Me
-You Make Loving Fun
-The Chain