Saturday, February 23, 2008

boring bloggy blues

Okay, i don't really have the blues. Just couldn't resist the alliteration.
I'm listening to Najee's "Love's in Need of Love Today". One of those cover versions that's so sweet and perfect that you listen to it the first time with mouth slightly agape. The rest of the album, a tribute to SONGS IN THE KEY OF LIFE, is uneven, but there are other gems.
I've been waiting for another daily entry, before launching this blog. But the past few days have been kinda boring. Not to me, but...i've spent most of the past few days creating this blog. Understand, I'm not going to avoid the mundane experiences of life herein. For instance, did i just eat one of my little boogies? A leftover infrequent habit from youth...what can i say? My sister was the nail biter, i ate my boogies. But too much mundanity(?) would be interesting not.
Which brings up the question of whom exactly will want to read this blog. I happily admit the target audience is a little unspecified, as opposed to the blog next door for druidic sudoku-crazed single mothers of Eurasian/Dutch descent. People who like poetry, of course. People who are curious about someone who lives rather outside the mainstream. Plus people who like to laugh. People who like books and music and movies. Probably the stray sci fi fan.
I did have a pretty nice day yesterday. I went to a thrift store in the middle of a snowstorm, on the promise of a boom box. Being somewhat silly, i went by bike. There were already five or so inches. I got into a little snowball fight with my youthful neighbor Paz. I got a little splatter from passing cars, and had one precarious ice moment, but nothing serious. I came home with no boom box, the fellow was very sorry but it hadn't come in. I picked up a cd with studio band cover versions of rock musical songs. It'll probably be horrible, but you never know when you'll accidentally uncover the next SOUL OF SUPERSTAR. I had dinner with M and a couch-surfing acquaintance of hers, Mars from Egypt by way of Canada. He was delightful, and we had much in common. We've both been immersed in biblical research for the purpose of writing a book. Me, i'm writing a play which uses recent archaeological and textual discoveries to separate the mythology of Jesus from the actual man. I know, i know, JC is the last person who needs more press, but the play was spurred by the reading of an astoundingly brilliant book, "The Jesus Dynasty", by James Tabor. It's the only Jesus-related book i've ever read (Bible included, of course) which seems almost completely free of the writer's own personal agenda or bias. Mars is writing a sweeping historical fantasy, i said i would keep his idea to myself...let's just say that it could be a wonderful step in bridging the chasms between world religions.
Oh yes, that reminds me...the subject of discretion, as relates to this blog. I promise you, i will be ridiculously indiscreet when it comes to me. Heck, you could say that's a part of my life's purpose. The gap between what people say and what people think...the two-track reality that is most people's existence...that's a gap i've long been dedicated to breaking down. Not completely of course...when a library needs to be built or the dam is bursting, self-revelation can be counter-productive. But my point is that the disconnect between thought and word is one of the things that retards human progress, individually and as a species.
No taboos. Break the barriers. We all age and bleed and die. We all want to be loved and protect the children, and the sooner we all REALLY understand that, the sooner fear and hatred will slip into the shadows of history.
Now, i can't guarantee 100% indiscretion regarding myself. But it's not an unrealistic goal; i know myself that well. I'll at least come staggeringly close. I also can't guarantee that the existence of this blog won't change my daily behavior at all. It's possible it will, maybe one decision out of a hundred. But my dedication to total honesty is so strong...i don't want to hide a single thing from you, whomever you are.
So generally the only discretion i will exercise herein will be for others. Not everyone is ready to have the most intimate realities of their lives put on public display. Far from it. So i will use the already-seen device of not naming certain people, rather referring to them by "M" or "Q". Well, maybe not "Q".

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