We've got fives senses
The rest is ballyhoo
Bags of electrified water
Squirting babies and poo
So here's to all we hear and smell
All that we taste, feel, and see
A salute to sensations gross and sublime
A homo sapiens symphony!
Indulgence is the stuff of life
A banquet or pulsating shower
Be it eating or making love
Be sure to give me an hour
Our biggest organ lets us touch
Little eyes dominate our race
You've heard of the blind and deaf
But not those who can't smell or taste
Let me look upon a naked woman
who's looking upon Starry Night!
Let me look upon nature's tempests
And lesbians getting it right
Let me hear laughter and monkeys
The drums of a rhythm circle thumping
Beethoven and Bohemian Rhapsody
and neighbors happily humping
Let me smell evergreens and babies
Hot cookies and lawns freshly mown
Let me inhale my lover
And farts! (but only mine own)
Let me taste honey, sweet sweet honey
Though taste be not separate from smell
Coconut, pineapple, blueberry, black olive
And Tofutti with Magic Shell
And touch oh touch, of thee i sing!
In touch doth life disappear
Be i but touched like a tiny babe
Life hath no sting, nor fear
Footrubs, backrubs, neckrubs
You may rub anything i've got
Suck them ears, lick them toes
Oohhh there's the spot
Piggie-backs, hugs, a buzz cut
Touch is the heal-all, my creed
Massage, spoons, wrestling
Little else do i find i need
Here's to them all
The five sensebrations
If you've only got four, that'll do
One sense at a time
Or all jumbled up
I'm a sensualist through and through
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