Saturday, July 25, 2009


One might glean from recent writings that i'm refashioning myself as a memoirist. It's not so! There have been so many memoir entries of late, because i'm re-editing a book i began some years ago, "Women, Theater, and Other Stuff". And yes, hm, i did go off on a jobs memoir jag before that. I've actually been concerned that i might be losing readers, as some of the memoirs aren't even particularly enthralling to me. Oh, there are gems...and i suppose with my level of self-revelation, the "women" entries carry a non-negligible titillation factor.
And goshdarnit, i think i was also just a little taken with the idea of having one month in which i averaged more than one post a day.
And, well, i did stack a few of 'em in the chute last week while on vacation, so i could make it seem like i was still writing while sipping mai tais and having my fingers nibbled by naked island girls.
So pardon my excess. If you don't like 'em, just ignore 'em and wait for my other work, such as my upcoming expose on the corruption in the annual prawn-taunting festival in Tangiers.

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