Friday, May 15, 2009

to (almost) wrestle a woman

There are benefits to being 5'10" and 135 pounds. The most delightful i've discovered? Being paid to wrestle scantily-clad women.
Of course you may have to lose these matches, but that, dear friends, is a trade-off to be embraced.
These are not public affairs, at least not the events themselves. Present are the two grapplers, the director, and perhaps a video technician. I'm assuming the videos end up on some "women dominating men" website, but don't know for sure. Some of the women may even be clients, paying for video resume material. I don't know. When you're being paid to wrestle semi-clad women, details don't burden your brain.
I've gotten hassled in my life for being "too thin" (though no doctor has ever thought so). If this gig is recompense for my grief, then i'm giggling to glory. Look upon me, for you may not see my like again. Enough height to make the average woman look small, enough muscle to be adored by artists, but my weight is easily hefted by a strong woman.
The director, kasey, is charming and bubbly. There are different levels of intensity in this world i've entered. My first partner was a professional dancer, and first-timer like me. She wore a bikini, and i a thong. Whatever "love at first sight" is, i got a nice dose. My heart feels a little light, just remembering. She was physically and spiritually beautiful. Not much upper body development, but enough. We filmed eight lifts...fireperson carries, baby cradles, and such. She carried me around, flexing and smiling. We did a few arm wrestling matches, which she "won". I put on a good show, got $20, and kasey told me there would be more money for future shoots.
My second partner could only do the easiest lifts. I didn't connect with her as much. Kasey asked us to try some mock wrestling. But how wonderful, i'd be delighted! We practiced a few moves, and then i let her, um, manhandle(?) me for a few minutes. We had a couple lines of dialogue, in which i established myself as a chauvinist bore. She didn't remember all the moves, but we put on an adequate show.
And then...then...
Then came taylor. Sweet taylor from Charlotte (pictured above). A most gracious belle. I felt comfy in her presence right away. When she donned her bikini, my poor eyes took in what was clearly my strongest partner yet. She was maybe 5'6" and non-steroidal, but there was muscle density everywhere...yet with a soft quality. She was more at ease than the others. She was in town for a few days, and had one other "event". It occurred to me that the other event might even be the real thing. Kasey asked whether i'd be comfortable if taylor took off her top. I gently assured her i would have no problem with that.
After a few quick lifts, we got right into it.
And she didn't hold back.
Well...she did, i guess. But whereas my previous bout had been 40% real, this one was more like 80%. She squeezed the stuffing out of me in some of her holds. It was at once intensely satisfying, yet also ever-so-faintly be so close to real, yet hold back...i'm not even 100% sure i could beat her. The desire to know whether i could was a tantalizing thought, as were the sexual fantasies i had that night. I didn't even have time to notice when she took her top off (getting your ass kicked convincingly requires a commitment to performance).
She wrapped my head in a thigh squeeze, and the hearing in my right ear became blocked for six hours. I got matching bruises on my biceps, from her knees. If you've never had a bicep bruise, they look like a little cluster of grapes. While i was in one of her knee-to-arm pins, she taunted me while grinding her pelvis into my face. One of the greater moments of my life? Yup. Somehow through it all, she retained a core that was sweet and loving.
The bout lasted ten minutes, and finished with an amazing flourish. She hoisted me onto her shoulders, bounced me a bit, then tossed me backwards. I slapped into the mat like a sack of Idaho's best. Her performance skills were just so rich...i knew that i had to see the video, a thought which hadn't occurred with the others. Kasey told me i'd see it soon, and i asked whether she did matches that weren't staged. She said yes, and that there are women a level above T, tiny dynamos with martial arts training who can go thirty minutes without breaking a sweat. I'll leave it to you, dear reader, to guess whether i agreed to move on to that level.
Do i love New York?
I'm too busy laughing to answer.


sgtstix said...

Need to see pictures

sgtstix said...

I should say need to see more pics. They should make you do it covered in mud.