Monday, April 27, 2020

left-handed self-aggrandizement

I have never spoken the sentence "I think i overdressed"
Nor uttered the words "Can i use that as a deduction?"
This life so alarmingly free
of clocks, forms, lines
Bills, jealousies, deadlines
Unapologetic, uncompromised
Unafraid to be despised
Perhaps the most centered person you'll meet
For what it's worth
(which ain't much)
Mayhap the most wise and gentle
For what it's worth
(which ain't much)
As a product of a fear-based culture of psycho-sexual repression
i assure you my relative wonderfulness
compared to a psychologically healthy humyn
(which you nor i have ever, ever seen)
is akin to being a millipede
with only 999 broken legs
Watch me wave that one good leg - WHEEEEEE!

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