Monday, April 13, 2020


Never before, nevermore
No lover shall you stand before
Unbounded in what lies in store...
Your sanctuary to slide inside
A space to play, laugh, and hide
No desire or dream we'll deride...

Never before, nevermore
will you get back all you give
No negotiation, stipulation, calculation
Never before have i known how to live
Zero protection, zero pretense
Kneeling naked, kneeling negated
Any guile, every defense
erased, irrelevant, eradicated

Am i just clowning
or more likely drowning
Frozen from a world so cold
Where nothing is given
and everything needs forgiven
Every child's tear bought and sold

Never before, nevermore
A crystalline crash on your shore
Coalesced from the mist of time
Some pre-history when vulnerability wasn't a crime
Transcending modernity's barbaric game
This battered heart pulsing your name

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