Monday, April 26, 2010

T for Two

-spring 1991
Back at WCU, Sandi called and said she was putting together a project that she'd been waiting years to do, a reader's theater of Mark Twain and James Thurber. She asked whether i'd return as a guest artist, and also assistant direct. I had appeared in four consecutive Sandi productions, one for each year of undergrad. I figured five in a row would be some sort of record. Besides, my final college show had been almost anti-climactic. This felt like the perfect ending to those years. I said yes. Sandi and i held auditions, and i smilingly realized what a dinosaur i was already, as most of the auditionees were new faces. The set was minimalist, so the show was held in the studio. We easily agreed on the casting. The production was sweet and humbling from start to finish. Our cast of seven was a very loving group, with no ego conflicts. Parts of the show were narrated, and parts memorized. Often one actor would narrate, while the rest acted out the tale. We did "What if Grant had Been Drinking at Appamatox?", and i played Grant. I narrated "The Legend of Sagenfeld", and "The Courtship of Arthur and Al". The final piece was "One Flower", a story of humanity destroying the world, until all that's left is one boy, one girl, and one flower. I narrated. The stillness with which we held our audiences was so moving. The cast and i spent much time together, about town and in their dorms…curiously, i did more socializing than with any cast i'd been a part of as a student. It felt like were i just starting college, i would have graduated with closer friendships than the ones i'd had. Of course, that's a wisp of a dream that has no substance...or does it? I stayed over in town as often as i could, because the drive got old very quickly. I was working days teaching the mentally retarded in Bucks County, an hour away. As wonderful as the show was, i knew i'd never put myself in that kind of commuting situation again. Sandi's dream realized, and my love for her capped by the perfect swan song, i moved on.

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