Saturday, April 3, 2010

maybe those ARE muskets...

I'm putting my foot down.
All you pissninnies who naysay the work of jonathan frakes, the estimable will riker of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, are hereby sent to bed without dessert. When i learned that there was an anti-riker movement in the TREK community, i was so perplexed i triple-checked my source. Okay, he never tipped the scales as heavily as his baldly eloquent captain, or his half-human first officer predecessor. But lacking? Codswallop! Not only did he carry his weight, he often absolutely shone. The greatest riker-heavy episodes are as great as any in the TNG canon.
Those aren't canons!
Some of you boobs apparently make an "oink oink" whenever he comes onscreen? Yes, the man's got a libido, but doth thou protest overmuch? I suspect this riker-baiting is at heart insincere...that deep down, the haters love him, but feel compelled to denigrate some part of their TREK passion, so that outsiders might think they're not complete Kool-Aid geekophants. The contributions of mr. frakes loom large in Trekdom - much larger than anyone whose original job description was second fiddle has a right to expect. Think i'm wrong? I'm not. He's the most widespread actor in TREK history: the only regular to appear in four different series, and the only one to share scenes with regulars from all five. What, just a mangy mongrel spreading his seed? No, his crossover episodes rank among the best. And he's arguably enriched the TREK universe just as much, as a director. He directed eight episodes of TNG, three DS9s, and three VOYAGERs. He helmed FIRST CONTACT, called by many the best TREK film, and INSURRECTION, called by me the most underrated. He also made appearances on THE WALTONS, CHARLIE'S ANGELS, EIGHT IS ENOUGH, FANTASY ISLAND, HILL STREET BLUES, 3rd ROCK, FAMILY GUY, and who was that as boss hogg's son?
But i digress. Them haters is just wrong.
-A Matter of Honor
-Future Imperfect
-Second Chances (with TWO rikers[!!!], is held by haters to be a horror of the worst kind, but is exceptionally thoughtful and entertaining)

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