Saturday, February 20, 2010


I visited my grandmother in Florida for six months, and met Tia from Indiana, who was visiting her own grandparents. We hung out at the community pool, and spent much time together. She had a minor heart condition, was a touch conservative and prudish, and was just dy-no-mite in a bikini. She was on the outs with her boyfriend back home, and was eager to fall in love and get married, as she was "saving herself". She may be the one underage girl i've ever kissed. Was she eighteen yet? It happened during a moonlit walk, on the bridge over the stream. I kissed her, lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around me…magic. The next night, we kissed again. When i was walking her home, her grandfather found us in his car. He told me to stay away from her, he knew what kind of boy i was, always putting moves on granddaughters (there had been one other, it's true). No one had ever thought me a "bad boy", and i'd be lying if i said i didn't like it a little. Tia and i wrote letters for three years (with one reunion, when she was on the ins with her boyfriend). Our communication finally died when she got engaged. I returned a bunch of her photos, but kept one, of her in that bikini. Years later, i came across a photo on the internet, of a woman standing happy and naked by a Florida-ish dirt road as bikers passed. It could NEVER have been Tia. Yet if i was 100% certain of that, i'd post that picture with this article. Either way, bless you, Tia…

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