Wednesday, June 3, 2020

ice below

An open heart nobody needs
A wasting wound that ever bleeds
I've spent my life perfect and ready
No one's perfect? BULLSHIT, freddy
That's a crock of anti-humynism
A shlock of self-loathing jism
For i am EXACTLY as i ought be
(or would be, if life hadn't maimed both of we)
I've selfish shallownesses, sure that's true
but ever was i primed to leap over or through
To find someone in nurturance celebration
and never bind them to my expectation
Ready, always ready
Lonely, always lonely
A testament to the truism
of alienation only
Oh, there were moments
A flash of brilliance or three
But always deep down
thin ice below we
Never manipulate? - ever alone
A forlorn stray without a bone
And no longer perfect, for mental strain
has rendered me raw and half-insane
Never manipulate - ever alone
No one to calm and call my own
A wasting wound that ever bleeds
An open heart nobody needs

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