Saturday, January 23, 2010

bohemian 2

(a sequel to:

I've never backdoored a woman
Technically still true
But while i've not yet said "hello"
I've certainly said hellooo

I've "cheated" on a lover
with a naked kiss or two
I'm ready to love in a world
where that was the right thing to do

I've not loved a woman under eighteen
but the dutch know they're ready, like me
I've ne'er had a loving threesome
but check back in bohemian 3

Nope, no one-night stands
Though of it my mind has thunk
I've never before been so wounded
but still can't conceive gettin' drunk

Haven't learned much since bohemian 1
Perhaps i've been under a hex
I've learned 'most nothing of any real worth
(except for why women like sex)

1 comment:

Chaviva said...

You know why we like sex, do you? :)