Monday, January 18, 2010

a tiny asian girl?

Returned i am, to the silly world of craigslist online romantic personals! Wheeee! Honk honk!
Okay, i'll settle down. But truly, 'tis a silly world, where whores, spam, spamwhores, and great bloody idiots run amuck. Amuck, i say! Therefore, methinks a playful attitude only fitting. Unburden yourself of expectation, hearty traveler!
Which doesn't mean i never respond to an ad with an openness to love's bloom. Oh, i do. But temper your desires with a sense of the nonsensical, and a happier wooer will you be. For example, today i came across this title:
"Why date a tiny Asian girl?"
As though any sane man isn't already sold? There was no picture attached, so i almost passed by. But the words arrested my eye, probably because a couple of days ago i sat next to a tiny Asian woman on the subway. She and i shared eye contact, and i almost told her how beautiful she was. She was so tiny that her lover (or his ex-girlfriend) might question whether his attraction weren't some expression of latent pedophilia. Truth be told, i didn't tell her she was beautiful, partly because her size ultimately threw me. At first glance, i knew she was a woman of the world...but after a few minutes, the seed of doubt took hold. I think my first analysis was correct, but when a woman is that small, it can make your mind take a left turn.
However, i had fantasized about my subway woman for hours, so of course i HAD to open the ad...what if it were even written by her? Rapture! And this is what it said:
I love my tiny self - 5 ft., 95 lbs.
One day, I hope to meet a man
Who appreciates a small body.
That same day, I hope
We develop trust
To where he can
Give me a piggy back ride
Around the block.
With that trust we can

Go anywhere
Hmmm, i said to myself...well, that might actually BE an adolescent boy. I calculate a 50% likelihood that it's spam, plus a 30% likelihood that it's a put-on. Hmmm...20%, pretty bad odds...hmm...oh heck, i'm a sucker for silly, so...
Game on!
Now, supposing it's real, i told myself, it certainly doesn't seem like the work of an intellectual giant. Or that could be second language awkwardness...yet there's not a single misspelling, or other earmark of idiocy. The construction is so bizarre, the way she capitalizes the beginning of every line, as opposed to every it some kind of strange Haiku?? Hmm. Okay, i really want to answer this,'s just too silly, i can't give it the earnest treatment. Time for creative goofiness! If it is genuine, i might nix my chances of getting a response...but then again, do i want a woman who fails the goofiness test? Nah. Let's do this!
I was in Tangiers in '72, just after the theocracy riots. I was dreaming of better days, in a tea bar that smelled of Dalmatians (not the dogs, the people). A withered crone peered into my empty cup. She offered to read my leaves, if i took her shift on the unwanted white baby market that evening. Just wanting to be rid of her fetid pomegranate breath, i agreed. She told me i would meet the love of my life in New York in 2010, a daughter of Asia who would weigh as much as one of the governor of California's legs. I laughed at her, and went back to reading my Simone de Beauvoir. But here i am, in New York in 2010, and here you are. Let destiny roll...
your happy piggy,
In retrospect, i may have overdone the silliness quotient. And there's no such thing as a spamwhore.


John Jones said...

10 to 1 she doesn't write back. (Only because petite Asian gals probably get swamped with creepy emails, and so she's started interpreting anything out of the ordinary as creepy.) If I lose, I owe you a penny.

wrob said...

I'd be a great bloody idiot to take that, even at 100 to 1.