Tuesday, October 13, 2009

R.P.G.B. foreword

This book is a critical analysis of the Bible. As such, it deals with god, divine revelation, and such. For agnostic reasons, it would be ludicrous of me to claim to have any knowledge of things "not of this world". To an agnost, an atheist is as ludicrous as a theist (okay, perhaps not as ludicrous, but certainly as unfounded), for they both claim divine knowledge. I am delighted to leave such claims to others.
Why this book? Because some claim the Bible was written by god. Not inspired by, written. A surprising number of those people haven't read the Bible, however. This book is for them, and for others who might have an atheistic, agnostic, sociological, satanic, comedic, perverse, or passing interest. This book takes the words of the Bible, and applies to them a test of reasonableness. For such a test, we must make assumptions about god's nature. These are they:
(1) God exists.
(2) God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
(3) Morality, as an unchangeable standard of right and wrong by which humans may be judged, exists.
(4) God, the source or perfect measure of morality, is righteous and just.
(5) Human nature, such as it is, is the same as when the Bible was written.
These five are by no means necessary, nor even the most reasonable assumptions. Indeed, "most reasonable assumptions about god" is a contradiction-in-terms. These assumptions simply serve to establish a common ground on which discussion can be held. There are many different conceptions of god, but i attempted to choose one which would be agreeable to the greatest number. The Bible i used is the revised standard. To avoid needless repetition, i usually remark upon a particular type of occurrence only the first time it comes up.

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