Saturday, October 10, 2009

naked laura

I dreamt i was alive in the aftermath of the apocalypse. Everything was shaded in bleached yellows. Some had survived, but we knew that our time was short. I found myself with Laura Mealy, on whom i'd had a long, unfulfilled college crush. We walked together. She was sad and empty, but i was happy to be with her. We came to the house where my Dad had lived. I told her she ought to shower. She let me lead her there. I walked to the sink in another part of the bathroom, which was at least 15'x10'. I came back to her. She had undressed, and stood under the water, unmoving. I washed her. Touching her was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. After i'd finished, i realized i needed pants. I saw a pair of Dad's. As i stepped into them, i realized that i could fit into just one pant leg with ease.