Friday, March 12, 2010

interference patterns, pt. 2

Yikes!!! My membership in the R.E.L.* is under review. You yourself might wonder how a post like the last one could escape from me. Has the weight of being the only sane voice in this wilderness (or being, um, continually wrong) finally unhinged me, my brain gorging on foofery in response to the existential agony of life, and the fact that my back hasn't been rubbed in 219 days? Sit back and hear a tale, about a confluence of events...
1) I watched a movie. No, not bleeding STAR WARS! It was WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW!?, a bizarre pseudo-documentary about quantum mechanics bridging the schism between science and religion, and arguing for a theory of universal consciousness. It has Marlee Matlin and John Astin in it. I love Marlee. Marlee would never lie to me.
2) There have been strange moments in my life, like thinking of calling someone i hadn't thought of in years, only to receive a call from them first. People i trust tell strange tales too, of mind-reading with a loved one, or thinking they were having a heart attack the day their brother died of a chest wound, a continent away.
3) A couple years ago, someone i love very dearly sent me "The Secret". I couldn't get through the entire thing, but my love for this friend has been a sacred part of me for many years. I wanted there to be a seed of truth in "The Secret"...partly because i genuinely wanted it, and partly because of this friend. Perhaps in some way the last post, and this one and the next, are a continuing conversation with her.
4) I sometimes think about writers who claim that the source of their inspiration comes from outside themself, that they're just the vessel through which the words flow. A part of me has always dismissed that as masturbatory nonsense. But another part of me was that yesterday, i decided to just let my response to WHAT THE BLEEP flow through me, letting go of intellectual reservations. If there actually were something to this theory of universal consciousness, why not let it use me for a day? Perhaps i could come up with some idea, some little sentence, that might shift someone's perceptions for the better...make them think about being responsible for the well-being of the entire planet.
So what's the final word? Did i ride the gullible train, as many scientists and critics of the movie would insist? Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps i finally got some comeuppance for very loosely hinting that some religious folk, just one or two of them, might be gullible flaming idiots.
I can live with that...particularly as the aliens on Polyquatra-7 in the Dwingeloo 1 galaxy are whispering to me that it's okay.

*Rational Empiricist League


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