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A new holiday hero for a new millenium.
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A new holiday hero for a new millenium.
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HO HO...hoh forget it.
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Universal basic income. Any questions?
(The New Attacks on Free Thought)
-by jonathan rauch
1993, revised 2013
Rauch is a formidable thinker and deft writer. In this book, he argues against free speech restrictions in the name of humanitarian tolerance. The book is a deep defense of the principles of liberal science, and fundamental to that is the necessity for completely free critical speech. Even if it's unkind or unfair, the moment you start to restrict critical speech (no matter how noble your intent) is the moment the dream of a free society dies, and fundamentalist totalitarianism rears its ugly head.
Yes, he's strongly targeting the excesses of the "woke" movement.
The most surprising thing about the book is his revelation in the last chapter that he's jewish and gay. One might think that would incline him toward restrictions on hate speech...but one would be wrong.
Are you going to agree with everything he writes? Perhaps, perhaps not...but if you disagree, you'd better bring deeply-considered counter-arguments. This book is everything a book should be.
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Anyone get the king reference?
Is "ballyhooed" an accurate word for this final season, which sees the reunion of (almost) the entire TNG cast (no wheaton, no crosby)? Well, yes...and it's good. Much better than the first two seasons. It even finally scored an episode worthy of inclusion in my "best of Trek" marathons - the one featuring ro (michelle forbes).
The two holdovers from the previous season (besides jean-luc) are raffi and 7 of 9, both of whom have lovely moments, especially jeri. The possible spin-off starring these two and q, that's teased in the final episode, is one i'd be happy to watch.
Is it all as good as the hype? Well, almost. The cast all have fine moments...with yet ANOTHER sci fi resurrection for data. The females get to pilot the ship without crashing, and do more in a fight than smash crockery.
My biggest complaint is the unrelenting visual darkness. I felt like i had to squint all season. Yes, i get that you want to send the message that this is a more dystopic TREK. Fine. You're probably throwing too much of gene's vision out the window, but...okay. Yet the literal darkness is so omnipresent, one begins to wonder whether it's like the Minnesota accents in FARGO - so pervasive that you're not sure whether the underlying script would be as strong without the affectation.
And of course, PIC does nothing to move the TREK vision forward.
But it's fine.
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Just good common sense.
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Well, they can't ALL be A-list.
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Some songs, you'll never forget the first time you perform. It was so clumsy, because for some perverse reason i wrote a song which is too hard for me to actually play...but a gushing audience member hoped i would NEVER learn how to play it well. I understood what they meant.
A brilliantly incisive summation of the whys and hows of american poverty, with a laughably simple plan for ending it, that avoids the revolutionary chaos that most disaffected, desperate people imagine the only way. Desmond puts a number on the amount needed, and it turns out to be less than 1% of the USA GDP...an amount that could mostly be scratched up through the wealthy actually paying their taxes. He deconstructs how the american economy is built to reward the rich and punish the poor. Desmond has made poverty his lifelong study, living or standing shoulder to shoulder with those whose lives are most searingly devastated. He avoids emotional pleading, and speaks with the voice of a finger-wagging economist (though he's a sociologist by training).
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A death metal song for ukulele and kazoo. Never tell me it can't be done.
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I still get requests for this one, and consider resurrecting it. It's a crowd-killer. But the problem is, the trump reference is (hopefully) becoming dated, and i can't think of a good dictator replacement verse.
(black women and feminism)
-by bell hooks
A stunningly insightful analysis of the place of black wimyn in America, covering all the changes in attitude and treatment over the past few centuries. Bell reserves her deepest analysis for how the civil rights movement of the 60s and the feminist movement of the 70s were both doomed to failure, for the same reason - erasing black wimyn from consideration. Furthermore, both movements were designed to fight discrimination, yet accept oppression as a whole.
The civil rights movement was content to embrace sexism, as long as the black man was elevated. The feminist movement was content to embrace racism. And both movements accepted classist patriarchy, as long as their core constituents were given more access to its fruits. Social movements throwing other disempowered groups under the bus, is sadly nothing new.
The book also made me see one of my own blind spots (for someone who has spent a lifetime trying to strip away the lies of sexism and racism, this was a tough pill to swallow). One of my favorite john lennon songs has always been "Woman is the [racist epithet] of the World". In applying the lens bell offers, i realized the song has an enormous cognitive disconnect, for it only makes sense if you equate "woman" with non-black wimyn. If you include black wimyn, the sentiment includes the thought "black wimyn are the [racist epithet] of the world", a thought that is logically incoherent. That's my own example, but bell offers many others which show how black wimyn, living at the intersection of racism and sexism, are culturally erased in ways that are so ingrained into our language and assumptions, you might miss them entirely even when you ARE looking. Bell acknowledges how these insidious erasures can arise unconsciously, even in movements with otherwise noble intent.
A towering book.
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The great american sickness...
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Ain't that a kick in the crotch?
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How did this not make the cut? It almost makes ME cry.
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In-concert, the first song that moves away from comedy...
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Manz at Bazaar Cafe called this my best ever...there's no one i ever wanted to please more, but that wasn't enough to rescue it from the C train.
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As 4th of July as fireworks and commie-bashing!
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Oscar plizga, a brilliant songwriter and performer, praised this one lonnnng after hearing it. That alone was almost enough for me to resurrect it to performance-status.
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A protest anthem! Long live the movement.
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Fun to play with people's ears with homophones and such...
(The Seven-Million-Year Story of How and Why We Survived)
-by chip walter
Science journalist walter synthesizes our knowledge of all humyn species (27 and counting), and asks "Why, when there are multiple species of big cat, elephant, monkey, and innumerable others, is there only ONE humyn species left alive?" (although considering that there were denisovans as recently as 10,000 years ago, it's possible that there are yet pockets of non-sapiens out there in some isolated corner of the world). He takes a look at what made us successful - an adaptability that exponentially dwarfs any other creature, and attempts to explain how that came to be (lonnnnng extended childhoods), what are its strengths...and weaknesses (schizophrenia, autism, depression). He speculates on our evolutionary future, and the possibility that that which made us so successful may easily kill us as well. As shatner said, this is a book to make you jump up and say "YES".
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As a child, i read a comic book and saw the lyrics for "Lili Marlene". Not knowing the tune, i created one in my head...and was astounded years later when i discovered that the actual tune resembled mine not one bit. This is the tune i created...decades later, i wrote my own lyrics for it...
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How, how, how, did this NOT make the greatest concert ever??
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How did this absolute delight get briskly tossed into the waste bin of my repertoire?
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I originally wrote this for an episode of "Barney & Friends". The producers rejected it.
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Ah, nobody writes nice simple love songs anymore...
-by melvin konner, M.D.
Wimyn have bigger brains. Not in absolute size, but relative to body size (which is the key measure biologists use to assess intelligence).
Wimyn are better drivers.
Wimyn have a more efficient, humane management style. The floodgates keeping wimyn from the highest levels of business and government are opening much quicker than expected, because boards are realizing wimyn are better administrators. It's easy to predict that within a century at most, wimyn will be running the world.
And not one second too soon.
In the big picture, the differences between men and wimyn are tiny.
But what a difference. Men lead with aggression and impulsiveness.
Konner uses biology, sociology, and psychology to speculate on a future where men will no longer exist, either through evolution (it's happened with certain species of lizard), or engineering. Within a few decades, two wimyn will be able to have a baby with no male contribution. Within a century or two, we will have such incomprehensible control of our genetic fate that we will face the question of whether males have a place at all. And the laughably obvious conclusion will be no. Males are useful for a species whose survival is reliant on physical control of a hostile environment.
Such conditions have nothing to do with where we're headed.
Will wimyn evolve (or have engineered) a penis-sized clitoris like the hyena, for sexual pleasure (and perhaps procreation)? That's my question, not konner's.
Watch this video, and try to doubt that wimyn will soon take over the world.
Okay, that's still me, not konner. And i'm being a bit intentionally obtuse, in employing such patriarchal/hierarchical "world-dominating" language. Silliness aside, the larger point is worth making.
Wimyn are the first gender biologically, and given the emaciated status of the Y chromosome, the superior gender.
The truth has always been before us, waiting for 10,000 years of brutal hyper-patriarchy to dissipate.
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This one feels pretty secure on that A list...to feel an audience respond verbally just a few bars into the song, is an amazing feeling.
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I once introduced this song as "99", and was silently revealed as an out-of-touch white guy, for not knowing the title referred to another pop song. It all happened through body language, and i knew just enough to subsequently piece together what happened.
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I love this'n!
(Why is this the real deal, where "Picard" and "Discovery" fail? It took three tries to get out of abrams' shadow? Regress klingons to "evil subhumyns", DSC? Violence porn of seven committing murder, PIC?? But mostly because SNW is more story/character-based. How it looks is not more important than what it IS.)
-Strange New Worlds ***
After seeing a vision of his future mutilation/incapacitation (as portrayed in TOS), captain christopher pike reluctantly returns to service to save his first officer from captivity, after a botched first contact. He must convince a warring world accidentally given Federation technology, to not destroy themselves. We meet young spock, chapel, m'benga, and uhura, plus a descendant of khan, an aenar engineer, samuel kirk, and sparky helmsperson ortegas. Powerful and poignant, with great chemistry. Pike accepts a five-year voyage of exploration.
-Children of the Comet ***
Cadet uhura is thrust to the fore as Enterprise discovers an artificial comet on course to destroy a populated world. Enterprise is imperiled by an alien ship who revere the comet as a god. Nyota discovers the comet's autopilot tech is based on a musical language.
-Ghost of Illyria ***
Researching a planet once populated by a genetically-engineered race, the ship fights an infection that renders people mindless slaves to light, while pike and spock are trapped on the surface in an ion storm. They discover the illyrians may have mutated into a benevolent plasma-based lifeform. To save the crew with the antibodies in her blood, number one reveals that she herself is illyrian, outlawed by the Federation.
-Memento Mori ***
After finding survivors of an alien attack, security chief la'an noonien-singh identifies the attackers as gorn, whose ships reappear and attack. La'an was the sole survivor of a gorn attack as a child, and has never shaken survivor's guilt. A crippled Enterprise flies into the atmosphere of a brown dwarf, where all four ships become sensor-blind.
-Spock Amok ***
On shore leave with his fiance t'pring, spock switches bodies with her in a mindmeld ritual gone wrong. His presence is suddenly required in delicate diplomatic negotiations. It's freaky friday...but it works.
-Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach ***
Pike is reunited with an old flame (which reignites) on a non-Federation planet. He discovers a child-sacrifice element of their culture, and his prime directive beliefs are sorely tested.
-The Serene Squall ***
Transporting a Starfleet counselor, Enterprise plunges deep into pirate territory in response to a distress call. After Enterprise is boarded and commandeered, the counselor is revealed as the pirate captain (who rather easily manipulated spock's emotions). She demands a prisoner exchange, to release her lover from vulcan captivity. T'pring, a security planet administrator, agrees...but spock and chapel pretend to have an affair, requiring spock to break off his engagement. It sounds corny, but it works, thanks to an understated guest performance by jesse james keitel (BIG SKY, QUEER AS FOLK).
-The Elysian Kingdom **
M'benga's daughter has a fatal disease, and is illegally kept in a sickbay transporter buffer while he searches for a cure. He materializes her occasionally, to read her favorite fairy tale. A non-corporeal nebula alien takes over the consciousnesses of the crew, casting them as characters in the fairy tale. M'benga sees through the ruse, and finally contacts the alien with the help of engineer hemmer (bruce horak - TRANSPLANT, IN THE DARK), whose telepathic abilities make him immune. The alien just wants to protect the child, whom it thinks is being abused. This one might have been three-star if the fairy tale sequences were more cinematic and less stagey...or maybe the real flaw is psychological. To accept that m'benga would so quickly give away his daughter to an almost completely unknown alien, is an enormous premise to swallow.
-All Those Who Wander ***
Enterprise responds to a distress call from USS Peregrine, which has crashed on an ice planet. An away team discovers the only survivors are two refugees, one of whom dies as four gorn hatchlings burst from his body. The team fights the terrifying hatchlings, who are also killing each other for alpha status. The best episode of the season, in part due to the sacrificial death of hemmer, who becomes infected.
-A Quality of Mercy ***
Pike meets a child whose life he will one day save in the disaster that will leave him mutilated and paralyzed. He decides to change those events, and is visited by a future version of himself, who shows him the catastrophes that will be unleashed by his actions, as he will still be in command of Enterprise during the events of TOS' "Balance of Terror". Those events play out, but war with the romulans is not averted, due to the differing command styles of kirk and pike. Kirk (paul wesley - THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, WOLF LAKE) appears, giving aid as captain of the Farragut. In this vision of the future, spock also dies. Back in the present, Starfleet arrests number one for concealing her illyrian identity.
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This one is a firework...it's amazing and humbling to experience it igniting a crowd.
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Are you there?
Sipping chardonnay with fancy soft cheese
Lighting their blunts with benjamins, if you please
No care in the world, light as a breeze
Filthy rich poets, oh gawd i hate 'em
Sunning on the sands of St. Tropez
Lounging by the pool day after day
Bedding other people's spouses just for play
Filthy rich poets, oh gawd i hate 'em
Indolent indulgences of the literary elite
Their filthy haikus i cannot repeat
Mansions in Monaco a seamless tax cheat
They pillory poverty with a sardonic tweet
Designer clothes they wear once then burn
For plagiarizing plath millions they earn
Swimming in pussy for each phrase they turn
Filthy rich poets, oh gawd i hate 'em
TV stars and tycoons all wanna date 'em
Physicists and fashion models all wanna mate 'em
With their fancy words like ennui and verbatim
Filthy rich poets, oh gawd i hate 'em
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I lifted the title from an ani difranco song, "To the Teeth". It was such a good phrase, it deserved its own song.
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Our holes become our wounds...
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Like a baby bear...
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My semi-hidden sweet side...
(Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience)
-edited by tarana burke & brene' brown
If you're not reading books that are hard to read, you're not reading the right books.
And by hard, i mean kind that hits your stomach and makes you want to run away, because you know it's literally unhealthy to absorb too much of what you're reading, if your heart is open.
This book's subtitle eliminates any need to explain what it's about, except to say that the authors are all of color.
Instead, i'll share my personal resonances. One point the book makes is that the only way for a white person to truly understand black trauma, is by offering love and friendship to a person of color. I have two such recent experiences...and the fact that both of them blew up in my face is perhaps evidence that black trauma is not to be taken lightly. One was a friendship i'd cultivated for five years, a man a bit older than me, and sometimes more conservative and angry. I always knew his friendship was no bargain, but felt he was worth it. We shared artistic tastes, and i held the hope that our familiar friendship would eventually lead to him to share his deepest self. It never came to that, for i recently said something in complete innocence and goodwill, that triggered a huge anger response. Without letting us talk about it, he ended our friendship. I think his rage was significantly about some ancient trauma that my comment made him relive.
And then a more recent acquaintance, a womyn for whom i'd had a breathtaking attraction response. We texted for a few weeks...she said she'd like to get together, but it didn't happen. I kept offering her my new mantra - no secrets, no expectations. I hate texting - it's the enemy of real communication. And i soon realized there was a huge imbalance - i was emotionally open, and she was closed off. I suggested we back off from each other, but she encouraged me to keep writing. I finally wrote something about my attraction response that hit her so wrongly she wrote hurtful words, and walked away. My triggering words weren't anything i hadn't already expressed, but i used language that was more vivid - the word "cock" in particular. Still, her reaction seemed to come out of nowhere.
But it was through reading this book, that i was soon at peace with what happened. This book teaches that the only way to earn someone's trust is to be radically vulnerable...which was exactly what i'd been doing. And i was ultimately grateful she'd felt safe enough to hurt me, as that's a crucial step in healing. Many people who have been traumatized never even feel safe enough to hurt someone.
Feeling safe enough to NOT hurt someone is, of course, the goal.
Would she say that race trauma had anything to do with her reaction? I don't know.
And another resonance, that illuminates how permanently crippling trauma can be. I have a brother who was mugged violently by black men, and it might be fair to say it has forever poisoned his feelings toward people of color. He says and does things that feel more racist than anyone in our family since my grandfather. One specific? He followed the 49ers devotedly his whole life...until colin kaepernick. Just like that, he adopted a new team.
It's all just heartbreaking. And his mugging was NOTHING compared to the thousands of tiny and huge violences people of color absorb every day.
So these things take time. And yes, fellow foolish white people, if black trauma burns you...do your best to swallow it and try again.
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So tired...
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Me and my monkey...
I just read an NBC promotional pamphlet for Star Trek, for the 1966 season. It provides a show overview, plus character descriptions and cast biographies. Here's the description that jumps out:
YEOMAN SMITH, who has drawn the important assignment of secretary to the Captain on her first mission in deep space, is easily the most popular member of Kirk's staff. A capable secretary and efficient dispenser of instant coffee, she also provides a welcome change of scenery for eyes that have spent long hours scanning the vast reaches of space.
Popular with whom, exactly? And why?
Just startling, the crass normalization of profoundly overt sexism...so effortlessly condescending, in a manner so pervasive that hardly any viewers (male, anyway) would have noticed.
And mind you, don't blame Star Trek - this was NBC, hawking its own show. But the book where i found this, "Inside Star Trek: The Real Story" by solow and justman, revealed that the working conditions behind the scenes were appallingly sexist. Even predatory - prepare to be demeaned and pawed. That mindset was absorbed into the writing, with the passivity/sexualization of females, who were portrayed as ineffectual slaves to emotion, their worth defined by looks. Were there any female characters who broke that mold? In the original series...no. And the one episode that attempted to condemn sexism ("Turnabout Intruder") was still so groaning with tropes that one cringes.
Sigh. Deepest apologies, andrea dromm.
(a follow-up to https://nakedmeadow.blogspot.com/2014/07/progress-trek.html)
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I love the research on this one...
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This one persists in B land. I hope my faith in it will be rewarded. It just feels like it should be a classic, for those tender moments of old friends or family coming together.
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This one has clung to the B list, as a Halloween special. I hope it endures...perhaps not flashy, but one of the truest things i've ever written.
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A real place in the East Bay, where i deliver unconscionably-overpriced furniture to the ethically-impaired elite.
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Imagine the studio version, with an angelic choir...
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Some things are just obvious.
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I like this one...
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Party classic!
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This is that rare song i've written, for which i don't really believe the message...all that regret and looking-back, isn't how i see life. But i felt inspiration, and didn't censor it. Maybe i was just trying to get laid? After playing this live a few times, some urged me to keep it on my A list...but it hurts too much to play it, so i retired it quickly.
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This one doesn't have enough juice to play for a short set, but its bouncy, affirming, anthemic quality has kept it on the A list, and it's often the first song i play at farmer's markets-type events.
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Holy handy gratitude to monica...
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Let me see your teeth!
They were best friends from high school entering college together, and i was a college senior. Alana was a theater tech, waiflike and a bit punk-goth. Heather was an actress, taller with straight dark hair, and cute freckles. She was into EST. They were funny and fun and gravitated to me, so we buddied around. They were both attracted, but i didn't make any moves. Alana suggested that as a joke, she and i and another girl be together in bed as heather walked in on us. We set it up; when heather opened the door, she registered a look of horror, and fled. I chased after her, but had to go back for my clothes. Alana told me where heather might run, but that she would stay in her room in case heather returned. I found heather and picked her up, after much pleading. We sat in the car for an hour or two, and she told me of how in high school she had walked in on her boyfriend and two girls having sex. She cried, i held her…and it was quite an acting exercise! All a little joke concocted by the two of them. When i drove heather back to the dorm, they let me in on it. Cruel? I didn't mind. Anyway, they told me they both wanted me, and had agreed that whichever one i chose, they would accept without complaint. Over their protests, i picked neither. I'm not trying to lionize myself; i mean, not risking a wedge between two dear friends felt like the absolute right thing to do...but if i had been aching for one (or both) of them i might have acted differently. If they hadn’t been friends, i might have gone for heather. Over the lonely years, i have unsurprisingly had intense fantasies about what might have happened if i'd declared i wanted the three of us to be together, or nothing at all. Decades later, i feel poignant regret at opportunity lost. After all these years of breaking down the emotional walls of my youth, a truth emerges. Alana could have been one of the deepest and most profound loves of my life, if i had known how to allow myself to be vulnerable and fearless...wrob's music videos
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Purebread yodeling goats.
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Hippity hoppity hoo?
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Dick trickle.
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Any possum lovers out there? Cat crap fetishists?
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(Feminism in the Twenty-First Century)
-by amia srinivasan
Reading this book is like having a conversation with your five best friends.
That is, if your five best friends are all smarter than you.
But the title stinks! The subtitle should be the title, and the title should disappear. Perhaps i'm just not bright enough to grasp its significance, but it feels entirely misleading.
The book itself is one of the most exhilarating reads i've had in a long time. Amia gives startling clarity to the challenges and contradictions that feminism faces. When she doesn't have the answer, you at least come away knowing the correct questions.
On issues of intersectionality, she removes the emotional from the essential.
On the question of revolution vs. reform, she offers hard, uncomfortable truth.
If you cherish your foibles and hypocrisies, stay away.
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Saddest kazoo solo ever?
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Tom lehrer, this one's for you...
-by naomi klein
The hardest book you'll ever read?
For most of the first half, it was a struggle. I felt viscerally sickened.
The second half isn't so grim. It's even occasionally uplifting, with tales of how the best part of the humyn spirit struggles on, even against incomprehensible odds.
The book details how in the 90s, when world governments finally agreed that climate change was a dire threat, business and government paid some self-serving lip service (especially the villainous branson), then...did absolutely nothing. In fact, they decided to make matters worse. As one example, big fuel doubled down on dirtier extraction processes, with fracking and coal and offshore drilling, all of which indicated that they expect no regulatory interference for the next fifty years (by which time, the oceans will likely be long dead). BP disaster? Phoooey. Here's bigger, DEEPER rigs!
The book articulates how obama might have been the last humyn being who could have saved the world, as he had public opinion on his side and the banks and auto industry in his debt with government bail-outs. But instead of heroism, he climbed into big fuel pockets and cowered.
Learn how environmental groups came into real power for the first time...then climbed into the pockets of big fuel and hid. As the most horrific example, big fuel gave The Nature Conservancy a huge chunk of land in order to protect an endangered bird. The Nature Conservancy...drilled their OWN oil well. The bird? Gone.
The second half of the book details grass roots reactions, with unprecedented protests worldwide. Blockadia is born. One of our few hopes lies in the unexpected rights of first nations, as many old treaties actually cede them more authority over uncontested land than you'd imagine.
But the odds are beyond grim, as the world prepares to burn.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
A Halloween staple. Should it be a year-round A-list treat?
(parody of "True Love", 1988 #13 hit by glenn frey and jack tempchin)
First you find a groove, that's how you start a song
Make it smooth and slinky, you'll never ever go wrong
Before you know it you'll be knockin' on heaven's door, yes you will
You're lookin' at her, she's not lookin' at you
Feels like nothin', nothin' you can do
to be her true cock, comin' for no other
True cock, makin' her a mother
She needs a true cock, ain't no doubt about it
True cock, she just can't live without it
In the game of love, there are things she needs to hearShe needs a true cock, comin' for no other
A true cock, makin' her a mother
A true cock, powered by a true heart
True cock, you're never gonna be apart
True cock makes her day a little brighterGive her true cock, feel her heartrate rise
Splashdown comin', right between her thighs
True cock, there's nothing you're forgettin'
True cock, smell those panties wettin'
Make a baby, maybe twinsA true cock, powered by a true heart
True cock, never gonna be apart
Talkin' about true cockwrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
This one has audiences eating out of your hand even before the first strum...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
If someone else had written this, i might call it the most honest song ever.
I met mumia abu-jamal in a dream
I said i was speechless with humility
He asked whether every black person affected me so
Then he asked why not
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
How did this NOT make the cut?? Honey?