Saturday, March 4, 2023

not-ends 46

If you want to go anywhere, you have to start nowhere.

If your relationship can't survive NOT becoming lovers, it will never survive becoming lovers.

The trouble with being two steps ahead, is that you seem one step behind.

Separation of church and state was a brilliant place to start. But this country will never live up to its promise until we have separation of business and state.

Why is son of a bitch a pejorative, but not "daughter of a stud"?

The closer you get to sanity, the lonelier you become.

A sugar-bringing bunny, and tooth-taking fairy. Am i the only one paying attention?

In this world, the only thing you can't buy is a conscience.

The majority of christians take creationism literally, and "turn the other cheek" metaphorically. If those were reversed, christianity might be the only good religion.

Brilliance doesn't look like brilliance, it looks like screwing up.

The world was just notified that America has become the first country to put locks on their port-a-potties. When asked for comment, the world sighed, "Of COURSE they did."

America is the greatest country in the history of the world...which ain't saying much. America is the worst country in the history of the world...which is saying quite a lot.

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