Thursday, March 19, 2020

Global Sliding Scale

We arise.
All are equal.
In pain, joy, and need...equal.
This truth has been self-evident to free and fair thinkers, into the mists of pre-history. Our path since has been an unrelenting act of violence against...ourselves. No species ever so successful, nor so wretched. As our seeds of self-destruction bloom, this garden will no longer tolerate blindness. In the unfeeling void of the universe, the conditions that allow for life are a flickering flame ever one ill breath from extinguishment.
So we arise, to protect eight billion sparks of gentle wisdom.
It was never acceptable that a child or elder or mother or stranger should suffer from lack. Our cleverness is so astounding, all may live in ease if we but choose. Balance restored and apocalypse denied, if we act together as one.
But we cannot, when the vast majority live under the crushing boot of deprivation, and murderous fist of exploitation.
Yet in truth, we never needed abide these. For when a majority are oppressed, but one unified word is required - "no".
Nor is justice doomed to be a glacial crawl. Within a week, this document can be translated into 6,500 languages. 6,500 iterations of one message - GLOBAL SLIDING SCALE. With these words, the greatest revolution ever will be effected - with no violence. "We are all equal"...words that have reverberated for centuries, with no clear path to fruition. To move beyond facades of political democracy, to full economic democracy. Humynity determining its destiny.
All business transactions will henceforth be enacted under the global sliding scale, in which a person's income the previous year determines how much any item or service costs, such that everything costs the same for everyone. The math is elegantly simple. Might a loaf of bread cost a penny for someone making minimum wage, and $10,000 for a billionaire?
If someone earned nothing, all goods and services the following year will cost nothing. And businesses won't lose a penny.
We would instantly realize that simply cleaning up a neighborhood is valuable...have you noticed how messy things are? To say nothing of the infinite value in guiding a child, or helping those less able.
All of humynity would suddenly be free to do the work they choose...nothing more, nothing less. The motivation for 99% of crime would disappear overnight, and we'll quickly discover that people are not naturally lazy...humyn nature is to help ourselves, by helping others. Explore, play, create!
Yet too, the majority will instantly reject the forty(or sixty)-hour workweek, as a relic of an age when predatory barons sucked people's lives dry, to maximize profit and minimize thinking. Perhaps we'll return to the paradise of pre-agriculture, when humyns worked three hours a day.
We have that choice, for we are richer and brighter than those ancestors (Just a few centuries ago, 10% of humynkind would have been able to read these words - global literacy is now 90%. Two decades ago, 10% of humynkind had internet access - it's now 50%.).
In the wink of an eye, jailers and moneylenders will be a disgraceful memory. We will also figure out that goods and services can be "owned", but not the Earth. One might "own" a house, but not the land. It belongs to life, of which we're a small part. We'll also realize that legislators needn't make laws, but simply oversee their implementation. Laws and resource distribution will be determined by the people, in ballot initiatives (a direction already unfolding in progressive cities worldwide).
We arise.


Unknown said...

Yeah, but it will never happen. But you keep right on railing . . .

wrob said...

Never?? In its first week, this link got almost 34 million hits. Gird your loins, it's coming.