One can't help speculate about the virus-response decision-making at our country's highest levels. I'm sure they considered not declaring a state of emergency, and letting things play out. Millions more might die, but...under the current shut-downs, lost wages and production are prodigious. Businesses are closing, some of which won't open again. The dow jones blahblahblah...well, if you can convince yourself those numbers mean anything, it just means that fairy tales are vital to the humyn psyche.
I'm sure the point was also made at the aforementioned meetings, that the people who would die would mostly be non-productive retirees, a disproportionate drain on the huymn services budget. People with "not much time left". Though a recording of that meeting might leave most queasy, i'm not condemning anyone unsentimental enough to make such assessments. Those in charge have an obligation to consider every aspect. Our government has never represented the interests of the people, but can be a brutally hard job, even if you're only doing it terribly. This time, the more humyn choice was probably made. That sounds hopeful to me.
Or maybe this "state of emergency/shelter in place" is just a concession to the medical industry, to keep them being overwhelmed before we return to "business as usual" in a couple weeks.
And now...the corona comedy!
Before venues closed, i was ready to do this bit: "Did you hear the CDC announcement? It seems that one blood type, O negative, has a natural immunity to corona. And not just that, but anyone who has sex with someone O negative, becomes immune as well. So sharon, antoinette, wendy and karen together, and greg, you're all covered. You can thank me later." A little obvious, i know (i heard another comedian do a less-subtle version, and cringed), but this was for one specific crowd who knew me very well. The humor would have been amplified, because wendy and antoinette's significant others would be in the crowd.
I'm considering getting a friend, dressing in ties and white shirts, and knocking on doors as the "social-distancing jehovah's witnesses". We would stand not just six feet from the door, but six feet from each other, and try to get people to engage on matters of faith.
I'm planning, when it gets warm again, to go to the park to do my normal music practice/busking. But instead of sitting by the path with an open case, i'll sit six feet off the path, with a butterfly net extended and a sign saying "CORONA TIPS".
Enjoy your shelter. Do you have someone to love? Then screw you.
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