(or, the abnormality of normalcy)
We live in a culture of desensitization, touch deprivation, and psycho-sexual alienation. The average child witnesses over 200,000 TV acts of violence or murder, instilling in us a normative attitude toward physical or emotional brutality. Desensitization is far older and deeper than cathode ray tubes, but that's the glaring tip of the iceberg in which natural humyn compassion is anesthetized.
Around the age of two, the ample touch infants enjoy is replaced by strict delineations of "personal space". We eventually learn that the only arena in which this society allows us return to that level of copious, unmeasured physical intimacy is romance - as a result, its importance is forever inflated exponentially (and destructive relationships less easily abandoned). At puberty, our bodies need a new kind of touch, but instead of teaching our youth safe and loving sexual associations, we deny them any outlet.
We indoctrinate them into a culture where love and security are never guaranteed, the only person you can count on is yourself, and the price for "losing" is deprivation or far worse. Over the most basic necessities, our children learn only paranoia, fear, and merciless competition.
The resultant swirl of escapist behaviors, control/commitment issues, maladaptions/fetishes, projection/compensation, and outward (or inward)-directed violence are a cocktail that could never be unraveled by a million therapists. By adulthood, the damage done to the average person is so profound that you never have (and never will) meet a healthy humyn...and few of us can even imagine how such a person might look and act.
Pushing our species back toward sanity and health thus becomes the primary goal of any thinking, feeling person.
(I've chosen writing as the method by which i might best help. I've written hundreds of essays, and a collection of fairy tales that might one day be your favorite book. And most recently i've turned to songwriting...trying to maintain my artistic goals while being first and foremost an entertainer. So far, the results are promising. In my dreams, this struggle wouldn't dominate my life. I just want to receive all the love, security, and community that any humyn needs, and simply live in the wonder of existence. But that doesn't seem likely to happen soon. I love you all.)
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