Monday, March 24, 2008

my only secret

I want to share my only secret with you. In sharing it, it won't be entirely a secret, but that's fun too.
I've been sexually attracted to someone i'm related to.
Now this is not the height of scandal, as this woman and i could be legally married in some states. But it is the sort of thing that is taboo, and revelations of such feelings, or of an actual liaison, can be very destructive to the fabric of a family. So let me say, if anyone from my father's side of the family is reading, the person in question is on my mother's side. And if anyone from my mother's side of the family is reading, the person in question is on my father's side. Isn't that nice?
I share this secret because i suspect that a large percentage of people have felt some kind of similar attraction in their lives. Some have acted on these feelings, though of course a far greater percentage swallow those feelings. Some even live their lives twisted forever by a little pocket of silent guilt. One of my actors told me once that he and his sister had been miserable for years, unable to act upon their attraction. How many of you could hear that, and not be judgemental? I was deeply humbled by his trust in me.
These feelings, in me or anyone, are in no way shameful or unhealthy. They are part of being human, and a mature society will not make people feel ashamed of biological responses. Every society must have mores. They glue a society together.
But we as a species have to do much better in terms of compassionate understanding.
We'll get there.
In the meantime, go hug somebody.

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