Monday, March 25, 2024

Stargate Origins: Catherine

-directed by mercedes bryce morgan


Oops. A pining-for-the-fjords franchise burped out a piece of offal. Maybe they thought no one would notice, as it was originally released as ten-minute webisodes?

To sum up: in 1939, catherine chases nazis through the gate, to rescue her archaeologist father (connor trinneer - STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE, STARGATE: ATLANTIS).

Why do so many producers not grasp that hiring a brilliant writer is the ONLY essential element?? I say that because everything else (production values, acting, directing) is reasonably good. But the absence of writing competence is distressing. Any resemblance to genuine humyn behavior, purely accidental. Misogynist tropes refuse to die - even though the hero is female, she's basically a male re-packaged as female, and when they're not shifting into stone-cold-murder mode for three seconds, the wimyn here are still portrayed as overemotional (and apparently, all wimyn in the sci-fiverse are still in their 20s). And the makeup department sabotaged what could have been an effective villain - i haven't seen eyes this comically lifeless since CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON 2.

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