Tuesday, February 25, 2020

fool on hippie hill

(revised update)
On warm, not-too-windy days, i make my way to Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park. Drum circles, dogs, pot, free spirits (or semi-free, or longing to be free)...i set out my ukulele case and play - the most laid-back busker around, living my greatest artistic challenge. When i arrived in SF two years ago, i considered myself a storyteller/essayist/poet, with music a spice for my main course. Within a few months, i realized that if i were going to impact this world, music had to lead the way. Now i have eighty songs. I thought i was close to being ready a year ago, but this brutal process has had me cutting songs i thought were the heart and soul of my show. It can be heart-rending, dismissing a baby. I've rejected crowd-pleasers that were personal favorites. OUCH (i've got enough confidence [or arrogance] to think that my rejects need to be better than the ones others keep). There's one holdout left, from that first batch of songs i wrote in Florida. I keep rooting for that one. As for my technical skill, in practice i almost sound talented. Under the glare of lights and stage fright, that can fall apart (a simple smile can throw me). But my fingerwork and writing have taken leaps (i recently created song with no repeated chord progressions, something that would have blown my little mind a year ago).
I've still not performed the full concert for an audience, but my half-hour sets are firecrackers. I get amazing, humbling feedback. Half my songs are bawdy bard, 25% folk troubadour, and 25% burning blues. I'm insane enough to think i can kill any crowd. I'm at the point where i could crush virtually any open mic performance, but force myself to give newer songs a chance, even if i know they won't make the cut.
I got my first paying gig six months ago, at a cabaret that's since closed down. The money was a relative pittance, but oh the giddy elation as i biked home that night. I was always their opening act, and never failed to grab an audience tight.
It's time to make a living.
Here's the set list.
-Superhero Song
-If You See Kay
-Naked Song
-Crappy Trails
-Poop Song
-Ballad of Violet and Tsutomu
-Every Child
-Poverty Blues
-Happy Holy
-Dong Song
-Smiling Blues
-F.M. Blues
-Going Ape
-Raw Dog Blues
-Monkey Butt Dance
-Composition in D
-Sexy Bitch
(4-song banjolele set)
-Black Bart the PO8
-Belladonna Tofana
-Sam Hall
-Toss 'Em!
-Kill the Blues
-The First Festivus Miracle
-Hug Song
-Sexy Fuckers
-Stupid Girls
(specialty songs)
-Not-Dyin' Sci-Fyin' Blues
-Boogey Boogey Boogey
-Jefferson Blues
-Jesus vs. Santa

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