Tuesday, February 7, 2017

"Brothers & Sisters"

-created by jon robin baitz
Reeking of stupidity from every pore...
Such egregious badness ought not even discussed, as any attention is more than it deserves. But perhaps someday you, like myself, might discover the complete series for five dollars at a tag sale, and remember, hey, isn't that where rob lowe landed after leaving WEST WING? And being very loyal like myself, you might open your wallet, hoping for the best (or at least something watchable).
Or maybe you're a calista flockhart fan. Or tom skerritt (the POISON IVY franchise never quite recovered from his departure, did it?). Or sally field (Sally?? What the hell are you DOING here???). Or maybe you've just always loved the name "balthazar getty". Whatever the case, you'll be holding in your hands one of the most vapid, insipid, unwatchable shows ever to reach that magic five-year syndication status.
I gutted out four episodes, skipped ahead to mr. lowe's debut, but even then could only stomach a further ninety-some minutes.
You may cry at the wasted talent, as the acting is top-notch. You may scratch your head trying to figure out how it could be so, so, so bad. You may have a epiphany when you absent-mindedly let the end credits run all the way, and then it will pop up and all will be clear.
Disney made this steaming, runny pile.
Life is almost never so on the button. This show may not be exhibit A in why they should have shuttered the studio after walt died...
But if it's not, it's only because memory can protect us from abominations too traumatic to deal with.

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