Tuesday, March 18, 2014

this week 1 (addendum)

Six months ago, i regaled you with reflections on a week in which (1) a teenager made a pass at me, (2) i got my first white hair, and (3) found out i had possibly contracted a social disease (unrelated to #1):
I must follow up, as it turns out that at least two of those things are untrue.
No, the teenager wasn't an undercover twentysomething cop...or WAS she? I wouldn't know, for to my discredit, i gave her none of the satisfaction she was seeking. That's no joke - the fact that our society provides no outlet for the natural sexual curiosity of youth, is certainly one of the top three causes of the myriad social ills we face.
No, rather, i do NOT have HPV - my little back blemishes are seborrheic keratoses, a benign, non-viral, non-communicable growth common to the non-young.
Except i DO have HPV! That is, inasmuch as i had one or two warts on my hand when i was young, which means that the virus (a non-genital strain) is still inside me, in its non-active state. Statistically, you have it too. Can one get multiple strains? Sure! I now know oooodles of stuff about HPV, which as much as 90% of everyone will get.
And, i do NOT have a white hair! Not any longer, anyway. No, that doesn't mean what it would mean coming from any other vain, ageist fool - i didn't pluck or dye.
It's just gone.
The white color, that is, not the hair itself. The hair just seems to have (poof) returned to its former hue.
Talk about embarrassing - i made a big deal out of my ascension to tribal elder! The keratosis is evidence that i've not started to age in reverse...
But then again, i have a pimple too! Wheeeee!
No, i'm sure this is just one of those curiosities of the human body. I'm sure it's happened to several of you, too?
Do ass pimples count as youthful?

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