In one little way.
Oh sure...there are 5,784 other ways in which women have it bad, often the kind of horrific bad that most men could never in a million years understand, and for which the systematic castration of an entire gender wouldn't be an entirely disproportionate response.
Women in today's world have it ridiculously easy in one area.
Being physically attractive.
What's that? FOUL, you cry? PREPOSTEROUS, you say? Women are still judged by their looks far more BLAH BLAH men can just roll out of BLAH BLAH aging men look distinguished, women look BLAH BLAH...
Yes. All true.
But what i'm saying is, motivation or merit aside, women in today's world have a much easier time ACHIEVING physical attractiveness than men. And women, you'd better enjoy this right quick, because within another generation or two, this double standard will be as dead as a dodo. As current as a quagga. More moribund than a moa.
Not following me? Ask yourself this. What do women have to do in this day and age to be considered physically attractive? I'm not talking about facially...that's a world unto itself where men and women are basically on even terms (any woman who still chooses the burden of makeup in this new millenium has failed to grasp the number of discerning women [and men!] who have soundly rejected such unsexy artifice).
No, i'm talking about the primal response to seeing the posterior view of a member of the opposite gender bending over to pick up a pinecone.
What does a bent-over woman have to do in today's world, to elicit heightened blood flow, pupil dilation, and surreptitious glances?
She has to do one thing.
Not be fat.
That's it.
Big boobies help, of course...but even they are part of a paradigm that is fading (and will one day be replaced by a paradigm wherein character and intellect will be the biggest sexual attractors, regardless of gender). The pathetic, default standard of attractiveness that women enjoy today is not shared by the males of the world. If a male wants to visually attract females, the one essential peacock-feather he's got to display is a developed musculature. Some men have it. All men and women want it.
(a bit much, but you get the point)
Do you know how much harder it is to have a toned physique than simply "not be fat"?Look at your media images. Look at the women that magazines and movies sell as icons of physical desirability. Your Hiltons, your Flynn Boyles, your Longorias. If a man wanted to sell himself as a sex symbol with a comparable physique, he'd better be the most charming motherfucker to ever draw breath. Or have a horse-like dong.
I'd go with the horse-like dong, myself.
(cinema action hero Angelo Jolie)
Is this double standard dying? You betcher average ol' penis it is. A few world-changing waves of feminism and a little thing called Title IX are seeing to that. In a much-closer-than-you-think future, any woman who wants to turn heads by simply walking down the street, had better look at least a little like this:
So make hay while the sun sets, all you skinny women. And know that the more discerning among us ain't impressed.
We know, we know, you don't really care.
We'd have a hard time caring, too.
(Add boobies and a woman's face...pretty hot, eh? Down, tiger.)
(note: This article in NO way endorses the objectification of women, which has left half of humanity psychologically crippled, their identity and self-acceptance defined almost entirely by their bodies [and in the past half-century has made anorexia and bulimia planetary epidemics]. That shit has gotta stop, and now.)
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