Monday, July 30, 2012


My first and perhaps last attempt to contribute to the wonderful world of Wikepedia has crashed and burned, perhaps because the site is run by politically correct fascists? During the Revolutionary War, the british (in a move that was admittedly probably more pragmatic than idealistic) promised freedom to any colonial slaves who ran away and fought against their former masters. There are no records of how many slaves took up arms, but it might have been a very large number. Knowing this, i edited "freed slaves" into the appropriate "Belligerents" column on the war's main page: It was removed almost immediately. This is particularly curious because elsewhere on the site, they freely admit that slaves joined the british ranks, in higher (probably ridiculously higher) numbers than those who agreed to fight for their oppressors: Have i been blacklisted (HA...get it? "Blacklisted"? Hysterical!) from Wikeworld, accused of adding erroneous data? I hate to think that, not least of all for the fact that i would have added something wild and patently false, had i known my fate. Is it too late to edit into the Wikeverse the fact that the british fought pantless, in the hopes of confusing their foes? Or that Abraham Lincoln had an invisible childhood friend named Rastus Pookie Tigerbones? Or that there's a branch of the KKK in Alabama who eschew white in favor of Star Wars sheets? Sigh.

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