Monday, July 23, 2012

james' bad brain??

A newspaper story about the james holmes massacre in Denver mentioned that james took a class in aberrational psychology and the criminally insane. A psychiatrist was quoted, talking about how he may have been intentionally studying himself.
Well isn't that handy, you would-be expert, ignorant jackass.
When are we going to start treating these shootings not as some sort of aberration, but as an inescapable product of the society in which we live? We go around trying to pacify the frightened idiots among us with reassurances that james has a "bad brain". Be glad you're not like james, with his bad brain.
May i vomit now?
Our relatively small country spends as much as the OTHER 195 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD COMBINED on weapons of mass murder, and in training human beings to do exactly what James did. The better they are at this, the bigger the medal we pin on their chest. And idiot liberals everywhere are encouraged to think how peachy keen it is, how heart-warmingly progressive, that we now allow women and homosexuals to openly join the front lines of our trained killers.
May i vomit now?
Nobody in this country is more idolized than movie stars. How many of our most celebrated movie stars HAVEN'T appeared on some thirty-foot movie poster with a phallic, shiny, instrument of instant, bloody death in their hands? How many of these comfortable millionaires, well aware of their incalculable status as role models, have said, "No, i don't want to be a part of a film that sells itself by slapping my face on a poster holding a gun and making it look DAMN SEXY"? I'm not talking about idiots whose careers exist only because of the crap shoot-em-up genre they've risen to the top of. I'm talking about people like depp, angelina, the scientology twins, and denzel, who all damn well ought to know better.
May i...never mind.
James is 24. Let's focus on, say, the last ten years of his life. How many of those three thousand six-hundred and fifty days and nights did james fall asleep wishing he had someone to hold? I'll go out on a limb and say it's a pretty fucking enormous number. Yet where was the newspaper article ten days ago, before he strolled into a movie house with a weapon capable of extinguishing sixty lives in sixty seconds, where was the newspaper article alerting everyone to the fact that james had spent the overwhelming majority of the past 3,650 nights all alone? Where was the outcry, the outrage, the shock? In another world, a world of sanity, a world that probably only exists in those dwindling pockets of humanity left on this Earth in a pre-agricultural state, those people, had they learned of james' previous ten years, would have looked at each other and said, "This guy is going to fucking kill someone, and it's going to be ENTIRELY OUR FAULT. How the hell was this allowed to happen?"
But no, it must be that james had a bad brain.
Of course, that's it.
Aren't you glad nobody YOU know has a bad brain?
Aren't you glad?
Is it time for vomiting now?

P.S. If there were anything to this "bad brain" theory, wouldn't there be just as many female mass murderers? If you're tempted to retort that if my socialization theory were correct there WOULD be female mass murderers, because aren't we all products of the same society, i answer that boys and girls are still raised in radically different ways (just as whites are raised differently than non-whites, which is why most mass murderers are male and white...but that's a whole 'nother story).

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