Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sirach & Esdras

(The long wait is over! Here are some scrips and scraps to round out the Old Testament. On to the New, and that crazy cat that most christians would ignore if they met in real life. JC of Nazareth, come on down!)

Sirach 15:14
Numerous references in the Bible thus far (Genesis 35:5, Exodus 34:24, Leviticus 26:36-42) give testimony concerning human free will, testimony which has either put such will into question, limited it, or denied it outright. And all of the aforementioned entries must necessarily then conflict with the straightforward testimony of this verse.
Sirach 19:30
A man's character is revealed by what he wears? Really. Pardon me then, whilst i go change my character. Boy, this wisdom is great stuff.
Sirach 34:1-7
These verses raise a question which seems to have no satisfactory answer. How could a human ever possibly be able to rightly discern actual "holy" dreams, from dreams that merely seem holy?
Sirach 42:14
Oh, please.
1 Esdras 5:34
You know, i think I've met some of the sons of Gas. If i ever meet a daughter of Gas, i'll probably love her forever.
1 Esdras 8:92 to 9:36
Seldom have i found such clear support for Russell's observations on how organized religion has contributed to the downfall of the family. Not that that's a bad thing.

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