Saturday, August 1, 2009

amy, leslie, stacy, karen

(It sounds like i was identifying women on the basis of looks, doesn't it? Because of the psychological baggage this society heaps on romance, and the fact that we're predominantly visual creatures, i absolutely was. I mean, i was getting to be around a naked woman, which was [and still kind of is] unprecedented, so it made an impression. But even if i'm a shallow cretin, i'm in touch with my retardation. Plus, these relationships didn't have much else to write about, so the physical endured.)
WOMEN 28-31
She gets the dubious distinction of being the final kissing partner to be recollected during the first draft of this memoir, the jolting memory coming two days after i had "finished" the project (sorry Amy; that honor plus a nickel won't get you six cents). She was a college theater tech, a few years younger. Very nice and fun, i sometimes called her "Smith". She had high hips, long legs, and was non-petitely statuesque. We hooked up for a couple weeks early in my senior year. I think she wanted to go all the way, and though on a sexual level i'd have been happy to, i backed out, knowing i didn't feel as strongly emotionally.
A forensics competitor from Penn State i hooked up with during a college tournament. We spent a night in her hotel room, just kissing and being naked. She had a very solidly handsome body, with wonderful breasts. I think i wrote, but never heard back.
A college actress a few years younger, with fair skin and short, dark curly hair. She was sweet, bright, and pretty, with a non-athletic but nice body. We were almost the romantic leads of the first underground production at WCU, a dream of my roommate Shawn's, to put on invite-only plays in the basement of an abandoned YMCA. We got the scripts, but it didn't happen. I hadn't paid much attention to Stacy at first, but i became aware of her attraction to me. I was a little put off because she might have hooked up with Shawn. I have a hazy (and at the time surprisingly beautiful) sexual memory of her…it was either a massage i gave her, or a massage and hooking up. I'm sure we would have pursued it, but the school year ended.
A freshman actress during my fifth year. Sweet, quite "girly", skinny and pretty. Deb, one of my ex-housemates, tried to set us up. Karen really liked me. I spent some time with her, went to bed with her. We kissed, partially disrobed…and i excused myself. Wanting sex wasn't a good enough reason.

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