Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"V" (2009)

-created by scott peters
Unforgivably bad.
This badness of this remake (i refuse to call it a reimagining, as that would imply imagination) is so pernicious, this is a candidate for worst sci fi show ever. Why? Because the acting and dialogue are so competent, it's hard for the average viewer to notice how unworthy the show is of either science or fiction. The original 1983 mini-series by kenneth johnson was smart and fun. The original series, created after the studio drove off johnson, was deeply flawed but possessed of integrity and charm. This re-boot (or upchuck) has neither - it's like the suits got together and said, "Give us something fifteen year-old boys will love. No, not the smart ones." Am i expecting too much from a network show? Being on a network may be a reason for mediocrity, but it's never an excuse.
An alien invasion arrives, cloaked in the guise of friendship. Nice premise. Yet it's all too clear that the writers are liberal arts majors who don't know hard science from a dental appliance. They focus on the V's obsession with the humyn "soul", a notion that has no scientific underpinning, and ignore the legitimate concept of a war between humyns and a non-emotional species. This would be science-based, as reptiles seem to lack the biological capacity for emotion that makes mammals so fascinating (to other mammals, at least).
One of the regulars is a hunky, conflicted priest. It simply strains all credibility to have him in a terrorist/rebel cell - he serves no function other than hand-wringing. The methodology of the freedom fighters is all over the place, as is consistency of character.
I gutted out the entire two seasons because of devotion to the genre. The only thing that kept me mildly interested was the pandering use of genre stalwarts (morena baccarin, lexa doig, rekha sharma, alan tudyk, ona grauer, michael trucco, paul mcgillion). Grab those paychecks, kids. Original stars jane badler and marc singer provide juice, but it's flushed down a mindless morass.

Original series reviewhttps://nakedmeadow.blogspot.com/2010/10/v.html

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