Saturday, March 16, 2019


-by corinne fisher & krystyna hutchinson
Corinne and krystyna distill the essence of their "Guys We Fucked: The Anti-Slut Shaming Podcast" into a book. The podcast is a forum for open, shameless talk about an activity we all do (or if we don't, it defines us just as much). This book is alternately wonderful and worrisome - you'll cheer at the warts-and-all positivity, the denial of shame, and the glorious embrace of healthy sexuality. You'll laugh at their wry observations and anecdotes. It's easy to see how they've gathered many followers, and inspired listeners to share their most intimate secrets. On the whole, you'll be quite proud of these two.
But for every nine times you cheer, you'll cringe once. You might find yourself wishing they'd waited a decade or three before writing this book - one can't help thinking they'll be so much wiser and more centered down the road, and that they're still too caught up in the ego games and disney diarrhea endemic to our stunted society.
Part of it is just lacking the courage of one's convictions. Krystyna condemns the crippling effect that possessiveness has on relationships...but then pivots and embraces said jealousy. Corinne almost says that everyone would be better off not playing the games at all...but also turns back and runs the other way. Her trainwreck of a chapter, "Relationshipping", is the low point of the book, because in almost everything else she writes, she's the more advanced of the two.
If i'm overly critical, it's only because it's so easy to root for them. They are significantly sharper than most twentysomethings. My favorite corinne quote - "Don't get me wrong, I'm still miserable, but at least that misery has nothing to do with a man."
A brilliant, funny, and very nearly great book.

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