Sunday, January 6, 2019

dear sis

Dear sis,
I normally avoid religious conversation with believers, because of the futility factor, but i'm glad we got into it. It clarified some of the challenges we all face, in trying to save this world. It would be nice if you could help me further, by advising me on how to reach believers on one particular point.
For i do believe that, whatever else, the average believer is a person of good intent.
We're at a strange time in the history of our species. Our chickens are coming home to roost, in terms of our unbounded manipulation/exploitation of our environment. The short-sighted disregard we've shown for any kind of balance (to say nothing of our absence of compassion for humyn or indeed any kind of life) has us on the brink of self-annihilation. Given our behavior, that's not necessarily tragic, but it's also likely we'll take all other life with us (or at least all animals and plants).
The greatest danger of religious thinking seems to be this - it encourages people to think that whatever happens is AS IT MUST BE. For if we were magically created with the wave of a divine hand, we are exactly as we're supposed to be.
I look at humynity from a scientific standpoint, investigating how we lived before agriculture, and see a species which has strayed from its basic sharing nature, while you see us as simply expressing our evil nature.
Religion is the ultimate expression of fatalism - THIS is how god made us.
But fatalism at this historical juncture is more than annoying or atrocious. It's, well...
Realistically, the only way we might be able to save all life is for everyone to jump up and down saying "We do NOT accept this! This is not WHO WE ARE!" Only a unified effort by all the peoples of this planet has any likelihood of reversing our self-immolation.
Yet for many believers, even millennia before global warming concretized our fate, apocalyptic self-destruction has been our seeming birthright...even to the point of celebrating the rapturous "day of judgment". It's understandable...despite (or perhaps because of?) religion's narcissistic arrogance (God loves US! We're special!!), there is also self-loathing embedded in most dogma (We're so BAD! Ooh, aren't we just??). But endtime prophecies are singularly self-fulfilling.
So if humynity is to be saved, it will be in spite of religion. But that challenge may be beyond non-believers' scope.
How do we all fight that? How do we make believers believe it doesn't have to be like this?
i love you muchly much,

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