Saturday, April 10, 2021

what's after the afterlife?

One of these days
science will prove
there IS an afterlife!
Won't we be relieved?

The devout will preen
Maybe even strut
(though half of them
never really believed)

The next year will find
folks chucking body and mind
Nothing will staunch the tide
of grateful suicide

But don't fall for the ruse!
I'm here to tell youse
it'll all be a billionaire plot
Our beaches are overrun
Our rivers gunked and done
And you can't find a parking spot
The tycoons are tired
The Earth is getting mired
in shit, piss, trash, and snot

So heaven will be a ploy
with a planet-purging goal
moron population control

And if you live for life after death
(despite not one shred of fact)
Bide your time and wait for
an act of GOD before you react!

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