Tuesday, July 5, 2016

home of the knave

Why am i not free
to go naked when i go forth?
Why was the south not free
to say goodbye the north?
Why were the natives not free
to simply live their lives?
Rich men are quite free
Are their servants, children, and wives?
Why is the worker not free,
the conditions of their life to direct?
Are tycoon or bum
the only paths of self-respect?
Founded on rebellion
yet intolerant of the same
Maybe just maybe
we're only free in name?
Locking billions of people
and other animals in a cage
How can we perpetuate
such hopelessness and rage?
How can the land of the free
be a land of "victimless crime"?
Why aren't the non-pink free
to be just human - isn't it time?

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