Tuesday, March 3, 2015

naked nurse 4


Dear naked nurse,
Why do we fall for people who are totally, totally, TOTALLY wrong for us? Why???
bothered in Buffalo

Dear bothered,
If you understood the first four words of your question, you wouldn't have bothered with the other ten. You're clinging to the notion that attraction is in some way cognitive. The brain is our biggest sexual organ? That sounds like the kind of trope spun by one who's never had a proper shag. Don't get me wrong - intellectual inclinations can enhance sexual interactions enormously. But they are neither a sufficient (nor even necessary) part of the process. I was once dewy-eyed and (endearingly, i hope) naive enough to think that it was impossible to have great sex in a one-night stand. Poppycock! Why do i pine for a decades-gone affair...with a born-again christian? Why did i once offer to impregnate a narrow-minded champion of monogamy and materialism? What, am i just stupid? Well no, not just. In the last case it had something to do with the fact that hugging her felt more mind-melting than any other hug i'd ever had. In the first case, she tasted better than anyone i've ever tasted. Sexual attraction is physiological, hormonal, and chemical. In humanity's current ignorance and self-loathing, our bodies are infinitely more aggrieved than uplifted by our brains. Impose your intellectual agenda on your reproductive system, at your peril. These bodies be far smarter than we - science is beginning (but only beginning) to catch up with what they understand...things like which potential mate would give us the healthiest offspring, and such. The more our bodies approve of a potential mate, the more feel-good feelings we feel. So LISTEN to those loins! I know it can be frustrating. What to do when a PETA-loving tree-hugger gives you the trembling thigh sweats? What to do when a Tea Party cutie puts you in a barry white moody? Sorry, you're on your own. But your body is infinitely brighter than thou (and bloody tired of your moronic meddling).
care-free conjugations,
the naked nurse

Send queries to nakednursing@yahoo.com!

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