Thursday, August 8, 2013

you're a...(BLANK) 2!

(or, whither person-to-part namecalling in the next century and beyond)
(a follow-up to

When we last left our study of the words people use when labeling each other by a single body part, it was a grim and dim mirror into which we peered. The BIG SIX (dick, asshole, cunt, pussy, twat, boob) were pejoratives, every one...making it clear that denigrating one another is much more essential to our societal self-image than elevating one another. But whither the future? What will our language reveal about us a century from now? Which of the SIX will still be going strong? Which wil have passed out of vogue, because of our changing values? Which will remain, but with perhaps an entirely different meaning? Is the future of the human race bright, and are we moving so swiftly toward that future that we'll be able to see positive language changes occur even during our own relatively short lives?
Yes indeedy, i say to thee.
In the first article, i may have oversimplified things ever so slightly, in the interest of streamlined writing. The BIG SIX might more accurately have been called THE BIG SIX (+ 2). I omitted "cock" because it's not nearly as prevalent as "dick", and it's also a virtually indistinguishable synonym. I also implied that "brain" doesn't exist as a direct part-to-person apellative, which isn't strictly true. While not as common as the others (except perhaps boob), it's out there, and has been for at least a few decades. I also omitted it because, unlike the others, its use tends to be more third person (i.e. "She's quite the brain, isn't she?"), a form which doesn't carry quite as much emotional punch as second person (i.e. "You flaming asshole"). But "brain" as a part-to-person metaphor is important, because it's (gasp) NOT A PEJORATIVE! Even when people occasionally try to use it as one, they pretty much fail. So let's hold "brain" up as a beacon of hope for humanity, and wish it growth in the years and decades to come.
And let's take a look at the possible futures of the BIG SIX!
Can we imagine a future in which this most potent pejorative will fade away? Doubtful, considering that our emotional connection to it is well-nigh immeasurable (unlike the penis itself). Or might this word eventually lose its negative denotation? I'd like to think that's possible...that one day, "dick" will describe a person who is eager, loving, and indiscriminately generous! As in...
"YOU'RE the one who left all those mystery gifts over the years, radhika? I...i never gave you any credit. You're a dick, and i never even knew!"
"Golly, bill, could your dog be more of a dick? She nearly licked my face off!"
"Little yertle started grade school this year. He took about two minutes to adjust - sitting down with the other kids right away, he never even turned to watch us go. He's a natural leader, because he always wants everyone to have as much fun as him. All his teachers agree, he's just the biggest dick they've EVER seen!"
This pejorative's future, unlike the body part itself, seems, well, airtight. As other pejoratives mutate or fade away, asshole will endure - it's too poetically pure not to. If someone offers you a chance to invest in assholes, get as many as you can (investment shares, that is). A century from now, asshole will be the biggest word in the pejorative arsenal. You heard it here first.
Mankind is becoming humanity. The days of woman-hating, woman-fearing, and woman-denigrating are numbered. I predict that two of these three pejoratives will fade away, and the other will become a compliment. Cunt and pussy, the most noxious, will go, leaving us with...twat! Yay! It will retain its playful quality, while simultaneously its definition will change to "fertile and creative". As in...
PRESENTER: You all know how much buttercup has meant to our community this past decade. She's been a driving force behind the expansion of our arts center. On the school board, she's been responsible for innovations that have pushed our graduation rate to 98%, and our children's literacy rate to 100%. All while being an unfailing friend to more of us than i could name. And so, it is with great honor that i proudly name buttercup changstein as Mill Valley's 2079 "Twat of the Year"!
A word that will also become a compliment. It will eventually mean "playful and nurturing", as in:
"You two are the biggest boobs i've ever met. I cannot be sad around you, no matter what! Are those penises, or nipples? Get over here and let me suckle you! I think milk will come out. I love you guys."
Will other body parts rise to prominence as direct part-to-person apellatives? Will calling someone a "heart" take on new meaning and resonance? Will someone who gets rid of lots of shit come to be called a "liver"? Will someone who listens well without imposing their values be called an "ear"? What about womb, hand, or scrotum? Who knows? But for all you dicks, boobs, and twats, a beautiful future is close at hand.

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