wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Soul-shaker, heart-breaker, gut-acher...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Soul-shaker, heart-breaker, gut-acher...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Noel coward, eat your heart out.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Soooo tempting to make this one A list...i think it would hit big with the right crowds. But a wrob drinking song? I can't get past the cognitive dissonance.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Ohhhh, i wanted to keep this one. There was one friend, oscar plizga (whose musical opinion i value enormously), who repeatedly told me it was one of my best. But literally no one else ever complimented it.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
A nudist told me to get dressed. My best line ever?
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Is this NOT the most brilliant social satire of the 21st century?