wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
How, how, how, did this NOT make the greatest concert ever??
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
How, how, how, did this NOT make the greatest concert ever??
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
How did this absolute delight get briskly tossed into the waste bin of my repertoire?
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
I originally wrote this for an episode of "Barney & Friends". The producers rejected it.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Ah, nobody writes nice simple love songs anymore...
-by melvin konner, M.D.
Wimyn have bigger brains. Not in absolute size, but relative to body size (which is the key measure biologists use to assess intelligence).
Wimyn are better drivers.
Wimyn have a more efficient, humane management style. The floodgates keeping wimyn from the highest levels of business and government are opening much quicker than expected, because boards are realizing wimyn are better administrators. It's easy to predict that within a century at most, wimyn will be running the world.
And not one second too soon.
In the big picture, the differences between men and wimyn are tiny.
But what a difference. Men lead with aggression and impulsiveness.
Konner uses biology, sociology, and psychology to speculate on a future where men will no longer exist, either through evolution (it's happened with certain species of lizard), or engineering. Within a few decades, two wimyn will be able to have a baby with no male contribution. Within a century or two, we will have such incomprehensible control of our genetic fate that we will face the question of whether males have a place at all. And the laughably obvious conclusion will be no. Males are useful for a species whose survival is reliant on physical control of a hostile environment.
Such conditions have nothing to do with where we're headed.
Will wimyn evolve (or have engineered) a penis-sized clitoris like the hyena, for sexual pleasure (and perhaps procreation)? That's my question, not konner's.
Watch this video, and try to doubt that wimyn will soon take over the world.
Okay, that's still me, not konner. And i'm being a bit intentionally obtuse, in employing such patriarchal/hierarchical "world-dominating" language. Silliness aside, the larger point is worth making.
Wimyn are the first gender biologically, and given the emaciated status of the Y chromosome, the superior gender.
The truth has always been before us, waiting for 10,000 years of brutal hyper-patriarchy to dissipate.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
This one feels pretty secure on that A list...to feel an audience respond verbally just a few bars into the song, is an amazing feeling.