Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Superhero Song

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

A song that has undeniable resonance, and seemed bedrock A as a song which follows (and alludes to) "Treesexual"...but since that song moved to the end of the concert, this one is forced to stand on its own. Will it survive?

Monday, July 25, 2022

Black Bart the PO8

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

An A-list bedrock. The title is how bart spelled his name. I have no worries about this one playing well outside CA.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Jesus vs. Santa

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

I sometimes wonder whether the spark for this song came from an unrecalled memory of a standup comedian from many years ago...the comedic fruit just seems so low-hanging, i CAN'T be the first person to think of it (and indeed, i've learned that South Park has a santa vs. jesus episode that predates my song). But as soon as i wrote this, i knew i had the song which could threaten "Treesexual" as my most-played/covered. The delight it inspires, with requests to hear it again...

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

station music

A drawing by zee from Detroit, of she and i and another insta-friend sitting inside the cavernous Chicago train station as i played songs while we were all on layovers of trains heading in different directions, last May. Train is often a fascinating, joyful way to travel make friends you'll probably never see again, which can be very freeing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Poverty Blues

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

This one has garnered some very humbling compliments...a great one for spaces where white artists seldom perform.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Kill the Blues

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

The first song to earn me money, as i was invited to be the featured performer at Oakland's Nomadic Press open mic, and made $20 for my effort. My first song which visibly, viscerally affected people. A stunning feeling. It was inspired by a similar song, but with forgettable lyrics. As i pedaled home after an open mic, i hoped i would get there in time to get down all the words in my head.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Every Child

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

The only tune from my FL batch of earliest songs which still holds onto a concert slot (but maybe just that axe swinging?).

Monday, July 11, 2022

Raw Dog Blues

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

A beloved B-lister that couldn't hang on. Some amazing performances...

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Hug Song

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

An A-lister that appears at the end of shows, as a sweet send-off after the finale. The audience is instructed to hug someone they don't know.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

"Star Trek: Picard"

The first season looks great, but struggles to find its identity, and feels even less like TREK than Discovery. The glorification of violence is worthy only of that OTHER lame-ass (and disneyfied) particular, seven's revenge killing of the romulan sister is shot in such a "money-shot" way that you'd be justified in never watching another second.

Season 2 shows finds its identity, and becomes decent storytelling. But still, the spirit of the original vision is gasping for breath, at best.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Smiling Blues

wrob's music videos

A list - greatest concert ever

B list - specialty occasions

C list - oblivion

This one held onto A, then B...i still sometimes think i've made a horrible mistake by dropping it to C oblivion. It had some wonderful performances. But i suppose that's what i knew had to happen, when i said that my goal was to have the songs i throw away be better than the ones others keep.