wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Weird al, why haven't you covered this yet?
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Weird al, why haven't you covered this yet?
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Some artist somewhere will take this to #1.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Most of you are scratching your heads...but one person in the room just fell out of their chair.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Ah, sweet science...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
There is one, and exactly one, person in the world who thinks this is the greatest song ever.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Lemme blow some sunshine up yer ass...i like how this songs unfolds.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
This one hung on to the B list for a year, as a Halloween special. I finally decided that smacking down the god-crowd so brilliantly should be left as a treat for the deep-cut faithful...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Yes, i bring this fractured world together...
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Ain't i the luckiest guy?
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
This one has a shelf life of three minutes, and i strongly hesitated before writing it, as i'm skeptical of any white person passing judgment on any black person for any behavior that might be trauma-induced. But even will's staunchest defenders seem to agree that his behavior wasn't about racism. I tried to err on the side of being TOO even-handed.
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
wrob's music videos
A list - greatest concert ever
B list - specialty occasions
C list - oblivion
Preacher, keep on preachin'...