Sunday, December 15, 2019

Riptide 14

Two new songs, "If You See Kay" and "W-I-M-Y-N". I should have cooked the first another couple weeks before unleashing it - that's relentless fast fingering/vocals. But you get the idea. I expect it to make the concert easily. I think writing a song with that title is a rite of passage for comedy songwriters. The second one? Fun. Maybe lots of fun. But very little chance it has enough juice to make the concert.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Riptide 13

A new one, "FM Blues" (already re-titled), and an oldie, "Goin' Ape". I was going to do two new songs, but there were some boozy primatologists in the house who needed love. The first one will tighten up, and become a concert staple.