Thursday, July 21, 2011


12:15PM - i masturbate prior to working out, a common practice. Inhibiting ejaculation makes me more energized after sex, not less so. I play the cd GREATEST by Duran Duran, starting at track 10. In the mildly air-conditioned basement entertainment room of my home, i stretch and dance.
-I do 97 push-ups.
I feel a pimple on my ass, and squeeze it unseen.
-I do 115 ab crunches + 45 horizontal knee-raise ab twists.
I scratch a piece of dry skin on my nose where a dark hair sometimes grows. Looking in the mirror i scratch the skin away, exposing no hair but leaving a red wound that may be obvious for days.
-I do 15 vertical kicks with each leg, swinging my foot as high as i can.
I notice a pain on my left big toe at the inner base of the nail. It is red; a possible infection from pulling the nail clippings out of their skin bedding. I heard once that such infections can be avoided by clipping around the imbedded bit of nail, a practice i did not adopt.
-I do 75 push-ups.
I imagine making love to a woman i met yesterday while walking the dog, shirtless. She scratched his ears and made a comment that could only be interpreted as an assertion of her desire for physical attention. I was attracted, but noticed her legs were a little chunky and that she had tattoos. I calculated the likelihood of a tattooed person being a "hard partier", and that combined with the legs kept me on my side of the door she opened.
-I do 45 partial handstand push-ups. I used to do them all the way, but that led to the equivalent of shin splints in my chest.
I start jotting notes for this article.
-I do 120 speed air punches.
I notice that the song "Skin Trade" is better than i've ever given it credit for.
-I do 40 push-ups.
I get the urge to look at myself naked in the mirror.
-I do 70 seconds of urdhva dhanurasana.
I look up yoga terms, assuming they describe the things i do.
-I do 17 kneeling limbo-thigh/buttock blasts.
My nose mark isn't as red as i feared.
-I do 50 push-ups.
More reps than the third set? That never happens.
-I do a headstand + 20 inverted leg lifts + a bhuja-headstand vrischikasana.
I run out of written inserts.
-I do 27 air curls. I can make my arms as veiny-bulging and leaden as anyone with dumbells.
I don't shower, as i may spend the rest of the day alone (and masturbate several more times).

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