Monday, April 25, 2011

2 dream fragments

I'm at a seamy place, a home or apartment i don't recognize. There are people around. The energy is unfocused and partylike. I'm with Caitlin and Danielle [non-sexual friends i first met when they were teenagers in a children's theater troupe of mine]. I realize everyone is having sex, and pull Caitlin to me with anticipation. I take her shirt off, and am taken aback. Her breasts are inhumanly tiny. Fully developed, but only a couple inches wide. I'm very uncomfortable. I look to Danielle, and realize she's the one to have sex with. I reach around to pull her to me...i know her breasts will be wonderful.
I'm in Florida...or a darker, future version of Florida. Scattered members of my Mom's side of the family have gathered, for Mom-Mom's death. I'm at her home. I step out onto the driveway, and Peter [the most gentle, soulful, beloved dog i ever knew] is there in the darkness. He moves toward me frantically, as though in pain. He's hopping on his splayed hind legs, keeping his anus close to the ground. He hops in circles, waiting for me to help. I can see that he has a stool halfway out, which is stuck. Also a hard-on. He's so distressed, but i don't know what to do. My helplessness is misery. I hear voices inside, and realize Aunt Joyce is coming. She'll know what to do, i hope. She does.

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